What does depleted blood mean?

What does depleted blood mean?

a : the reduction or loss of blood, body fluids, chemical constituents, or stored materials from the body (as by hemorrhage or malnutrition) b : a debilitated state caused by excessive loss of body fluids or other constituents.

What does being depleted mean?

deplete, drain, exhaust, impoverish, bankrupt mean to deprive of something essential to existence or potency. deplete implies a reduction in number or quantity so as to endanger the ability to function.

Why is a kilo of coke called a bird?

In some cities the word is reserved specifically for a kilo of crack and a ‘bird’ would be used for a kilo of raw powder cocaine. The act of ‘flippin chickens’ can simply mean selling kilos of cocaine or crack for a higher price than they were purchased for.

What does depleted supply mean?

4. 3. Depleted is defined as exhausted, diminished in number or used up. If the supply of available coal has been mostly used up and significantly diminished, this is an example of when people have depleted the supply.

What is an example of deplete?

To deplete is defined as to diminish or use up the supply of something. An example of deplete is when you drive around and use up your supply of gas. To remove the contents or important elements of; empty out or exhaust. Overfishing that depleted the lake of trout; farming practices that depleted the soil of nutrients.

What does it feel like when you lose too much blood?

Anemia due to excessive bleeding results when loss of red blood cells exceeds production of new red blood cells. When blood loss is rapid, blood pressure falls, and people may be dizzy. When blood loss occurs gradually, people may be tired, short of breath, and pale.

What word is a synonym for deplete?

Frequently Asked Questions About deplete Some common synonyms of deplete are bankrupt, drain, exhaust, and impoverish. While all these words mean “to deprive of something essential to existence or potency,” deplete implies a reduction in number or quantity so as to endanger the ability to function.

What does Blammed mean in slang?

blamming. Blamming: means to be blasting and jamming to your music. Music is playing loud and your jamming to it: blamming.

What does Birb mean?

6. Birb: Also spelled as berb, is a deliberate misspelling of bird used in internet slang such as DoggoLino. It’s used as a playful way to refer to cute birds, particularly pet birds.

What does deplete mean in the dictionary?

verb (used with object), de·plet·ed, de·plet·ing. to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of: The fire had depleted the game in the forest.

How do you use deplete?

Deplete in a Sentence 🔉

  1. When we continually cut down forests, we are choosing to deplete one of our greatest resources.
  2. The company will be in ruins if we deplete our financial resources.
  3. My wife’s numerous shopping sprees are starting to deplete our family bank account.

What’s a sentence for deplete?

Deplete Sentence Examples Fans were coming up in the break to rapidly deplete the pile. Wind energy does not pollute the environment or deplete resources. Boiling can deplete the meat of some of its flavor if overcooked.

What is the medical definition of the word deplete?

Medical Definition of deplete. : to empty (as the blood vessels) of a principal substance a body depleted by excessive blood loss tissues depleted of vitamins. Keep scrolling for more.

Why do people say they have depleted someone?

People say they have ” depleted ” someone to gain ranks in their circle of friends or to scare others. “I so set this dude on fire last year at school, then kicked the shit out him while he was on fire.

What is the meaning of the word blood?

Get the Bloods neck gaiter and mug. Blood is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body’s cells – such as nutrients and oxygen – and transports waste products away from those same cells. Nerd: In vertebrates, blood is composed of blood cells suspended in a liquid called blood plasma.

Which is the opposite of fill or deplete?

The de-prefix often means “do the opposite of”, so deplete means the opposite of “fill”. Thus, for example, a kitchen’s food supplies can be rapidly depleted by hungry teenagers. But deplete often suggests something more serious.

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