What is your profession 300 Meaning?

What is your profession 300 Meaning?

The story behind the quote: 300 is a stylized retelling of Battle of Thermopylae. The quote comes from a scene where the 300 Spartans come across a huge number of Arcadians who are willing to fight off the Persians.

What does the hunchback say in 300?

Leonidas tells the hunchback, “You there, Ephialtes, may you live forever.” This does not appear to be well wishing borne of forgiveness, but a peculiar curse relating to the presumed impossibility of Ephialtes dying honorably as was the ultimate glory in martial Sparta. Throughout 300, disability is reviled.

What does Leonidas say to Ephialtes?

When only a handful of Spartans are left when the Persians descend, Ephialtes (in Persian uniform) is with them. Leonidas gives him a blessing to live forever, which is an insult to a Spartan since he will not ever have the greatest honor to the Spartans, which is to die in battle.

Why was Leonidas a good leader?

King Leonidas did not need to go to battle and die with the men of Sparta but he felt as a trained Spartan warrior it was his duty to fight and die with his men. The courage that King Leonidas displayed to his men made him the greatest leader of all time in my mind and that is why I have chosen him as my hero.

What is your profession examples?

The definition of a profession is a job, or what you do for a living. A lawyer is an example of a profession. When you work as a teacher, this is an example of a situation where education is your profession. Tellling someone you did something wrong is an example of a profession of guilt.

Who is called professional?

The term professional refers to anyone who earns their living from performing an activity that requires a certain level of education, skill, or training.

What does the oracle say in 300?

The Delphic Oracle is said to have made the following prophecy: For you, inhabitants of wide-wayed Sparta, Either your great and glorious city must be wasted by Persian men, Or if not that, then the bound of Lacedaemon must mourn a dead king, from Heracles’ line.

Who are the disfigured people in 300?

Ephialtes of Trachis is one of the characters in the film 300. He is played by Andrew Tiernan. Ephialtes is a deformed hunchback in exile whose parents ran away from Sparta. Hoping to redeem his father’s honor, he volunteers to Leonidas to join the army.

Was the hunchback in 300 real?

Is the movie’s hunchbacked traitor Ephialtes based on a real person? Yes. However, the real Greek traitor Ephialtes, a local shepard, was most likely not a horribly disfigured hunchback.

Who betrayed Leonidas in real life?

Ephialtes | Greek traitor | Britannica.

Was the 300 Spartans a true story?

Like the comic book, the “300” takes inspirations from the real Battle of Thermopylae and the events that took place in the year of 480 BC in ancient Greece. An epic movie for an epic historical event.

Why was Leonidas so important?

Leonidas had a notable participation in the Second Persian War, where he led the allied Greek forces to a last stand at the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) while attempting to defend the pass from the invading Persian army; he died at the battle and entered myth as the leader of the 300 Spartans.

Which is an example of a professional development plan?

An example of a professional development goal might be to transition from a management to a director level role; e.g. “Secure a Director position within the next 6 months.” On a personal level, your personal development plan identifies areas for personal growth and change — which, of course, can have a significant impact on your career as well.

Who are the people who use professional development?

The tools and resources on this site can be used by those who provide PD services for staff in state departments of education, state departments of health, school districts, school communities, and national organizations. Professional Development is an excellent way to teach specific learning objectives to a targeted group.

When do I update my professional development plan?

Your professional development plan should always be a work in progress. It should grow and change over time and reflect where you currently stand in your professional life. Some good times to update your professional development plan are when reaching milestones, updating strategies or changing goals. Professional development plan example

What do you mean by training and professional development?

Training and Professional Development Professional development (PD) is a consciously designed, systematic process that strengthens how staff obtain, retain, and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

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