How many Airbus A319 have crashed?

How many Airbus A319 have crashed?

A total of 1,476 of the A319ceo model have been delivered, with 10 remaining on order as of 31 January 2018. The direct Boeing competitor is the Boeing 737-700.

How much runway does an A319 need?

Airbus aircraft A318/A319/A320/A321 with a MTOW<68T are compatible with 30m wide runways as per ICAO. However, due to Airbus practices to certify the aircraft, it is not possible to operate these aircraft on runway width below 45m without additional considerations.

What is the top speed of an Airbus A319?

871 km/h
Airbus A319/Top speed

What is the only airline that has never crashed?

Qantas holds the distinction of being the only airline that Dustin Hoffman’s character in the 1988 movie “Rain Man” would fly because it had “never crashed.” The airline suffered fatal crashes of small aircraft prior to 1951, but has had no fatalities in the 70 years since.

How long of a runway is needed to land a 777?

2,500 m
Larger aircraft, such as wide-bodied jets like A380s, Boeing 777 etc will usually require at least 2,500 m (plus RESAs) at sea level and somewhat more at higher altitude airports. Runway length requirements are generally greater at higher altitudes as the increased altitude reduces the density of air.

How old are Airbus A319?

17.2 years
American Airlines fleet details

Aircraft Number Age
Airbus A319 133 17.2 years
Airbus A320 48 20.2 years
Airbus A321 252 7.8 years
Boeing 737 NG / Max 345 10.5 years

How much fuel does an Airbus A319 burn?

Airbus A319

Takeoff at Sea Level, feet 6,170
Fuel Consumption, gallons per hour 640
Total Variable Cost $4,100
High Speed Cruise, knots 469
Ranges, Four Pax, Nautical Miles (NM) 6,000

How long can an Airbus A319 fly?

34 m
Airbus A319/Length

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