Was the A-10 used in Iraq?

Was the A-10 used in Iraq?

The A-10 was used in combat for the first time during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, destroying more than 900 Iraqi tanks, 2,000 other military vehicles and 1,200 artillery pieces. Solomonson arrived over Iraq at sunrise.

How many A-10’s were shot down?

(Many returned to base almost unflyable, but only seven Warthogs have ever been shot down or crashed due to combat.) Production had been shut down since 1984, and zero effort had been put into coming up with a direct replacement.

When was A-10 deployed?

The A-10C achieved initial operating capability in August 2007. 100 A-10s had been upgraded by January 2008. The A10C began operational deployment in Iraq in September 2007. 356 A-10 aircraft have been upgraded in the contract.

Has the A-10 ever shot down an aircraft?

April 8, 2003 – An A-10A Thunderbolt II (Serial Number : 78-0691) was shot down over downtown Baghdad by an Iraqi Roland surface-to-air missile.

Was the A-10 used in Vietnam?

The A-10 was designed for close support in low intensity conflicts during the Vietnam War, yet it came to be seen as a dedicated anti-armor platform by the early 1970s. Although the A-10 was never exported, it was redesignated OA-10 for the Forward Air Control role.

Can the A-10 dogfight?

Can Warthogs dogfight? Conventional wisdom says slow attack jets like the A-10 can’t dogfight. The Thunderbolt II’s 30mm GAU-8/A Gatling gun can fire 3,900 rounds a minute and can defeat an array of ground targets to include tanks.

Where was the A-10 first used?

The A-10 first flew on May 10, 1972, as the war in Vietnam was winding down. The Pentagon recognized the need for an updated Close Air Support (CAS) airframe to support ground troops. The Air Force didn’t want to spend money on a slow-moving airframe and pressed F-4 Phantoms and F-111s into service.

Can an A-10 dogfight?

A-10s carry two AIM-9M Sidewinders just in case a dogfight breaks out. As powerful as the GAU-8 is, the Warthog has other tools to help it win a fight with an opposing jet. In case of a dogfight, the A-10 also carries a pair of AIM-9M sidewinder missiles.

Did the A-10 serve in Vietnam?

The A-10 was designed for close support in low intensity conflicts during the Vietnam War, yet it came to be seen as a dedicated anti-armor platform by the early 1970s. As A-10’s entered service in the USAF around 1977, and as vulnerability of the A-10 was questioned it was slowly withdrawn in favor of the F-16.

Is the A-10 still in service?

With a variety of upgrades and wing replacements, the A-10’s service life can be extended to 2040; the service has no planned retirement date as of June 2017.

Can an A-10 destroy an Abrams?

‘As pretty much everyone else answering this question has pointed out… the A-10 can fairly easily destroy a tank. As can anything else slinging either an AGM-65 Maverick or an AGM-114 Hellfire.

Where are the A-10 Warthogs stationed?

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
In addition to the A-10Cs from the 127th Wing, which is stationed at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, personnel from the active-duty 355th Wing, based at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona, are also taking part in the highway drills.

What did the a 10 do in Iraq?

The A-10 proved its versatility as a daytime SCUD hunter In Western Iraq suppressing enemy air defenses, attacking early warning radars, and even recorded 2 helicopter kills with its gun – the only gun kills of the war. 165 A-10/OA-10 aircraft paticipated from 5 different units

How many sorties did the A-10 do in the Gulf War?

148 total aircraft deployed to Saudi Arabia 8,077 sorties flown by the A-10 95/7% Mission Capable rate maintained – 5% higher than peacetime rates 16.6% Sortie Rate – highest sortie rate of any USAF aircraft during the Gulf War

How many A10 Warthogs were deployed in Afghanistan?

In contrast to the small initial number deployed in Afghanistan, Sixty A-10 and AO-10 aircraft were actively involved in combat early on in the campaign. According to Operation Iraqi Freedom: By the Numbers report, the A10 Warthog boasted a mission capable rate of 85 percent in the early stages of the war.

How many rounds of ammunition does an A10 warthog carry?

According to Operation Iraqi Freedom: By the Numbers report, the A10 Warthog boasted a mission capable rate of 85 percent in the early stages of the war. It was found that the fleet had unleashed over 311,000 rounds of 30 mm ammunition. Only one A-10 was brought down by Iraqi fire around Baghdad Airport later in the campaign.

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