What is the meaning of a truism?

What is the meaning of a truism?

self-evident truth
: an undoubted or self-evident truth especially : one too obvious for mention.

What’s an example of a truism?

A truism is a statement that is so widely accepted, or so evident and factual, that questioning its validity is considered foolish. Examples of Truism: The apple never falls far from the tree. A fool and his money are soon parted.

What is the purpose of a truism?

Truisms are frequently used in rhetorical and literary contexts because they are so easily understood by audiences. Speakers might employ this shared understanding rhetorically to save time and to relate to their listeners. In literature, authors can also use them to foreshadow a character’s experiences.

What is a truism philosophy?

A truism is a claim that is so obvious or self-evident as to be hardly worth mentioning, except as a reminder or as a rhetorical or literary device, and is the opposite of falsism. In philosophy, a sentence which asserts incomplete truth conditions for a proposition may be regarded as a truism.

Which of these is the best definition of truism?

countable noun. A truism is a statement that is generally accepted as obviously true and is repeated so often that it has become boring.

Is truism a real word?

While the word truth can occasionally be used to refer to a “truism,” since truisms are often true, the reverse—the use of truism to mean “truth”—is unwise. Truism stands for a certain kind of truth—a cliché, a platitude, something so self-evident that it is hardly worth mentioning.

Are truisms worth defending?

Explanation: Truism is referring to some statement that is clearly true and evident, it often sounds foolish and it is used in situation of irony. This truism is worth defending because in some situation it is not considered as truism because it is up to people and ideas that they are having about life.

What are the 3 truisms?

Types of Truisms

  • Cliches – A cliche is a statement that is said so often that it loses its meaning.
  • Platitudes – A platitude is a comforting statement that sounds falsely wise but is actually devoid of real meaning.
  • Bromides – A bromide is a boring or obvious remark that does not help the reader or listener.

Why truism is worth defending?

What’s the difference between tautology and truism?

A truism is distinct from a tautology in that it is not true by definition. Instead, a truism is an argument that is considered to be true by the vast majority of people; it is an argument that really is not disputable. This said, let us explore how we might employ these arguments in a debate.

What is the meaning of the verb broods as it is used in section 2?

2 : to think anxiously or gloomily about. intransitive verb. 1 of a bird : to brood eggs or young. 2a : to dwell gloomily on a subject.

What is banal truism?

As nouns the difference between banality and truism is that banality is (uncountable) the quality of being banal while truism is a self-evident or obvious truth.

Which is the best definition of a truism?

A truism (TROO-ism) is a bland statement. It’s something that might sound wise or meaningful on the surface, but that’s very obvious and doesn’t add any new ideas or information. Truisms are examples of cliché.

Is the word truism an elegant word for truth?

Confusables note. Contrary to what some people believe, the word truism is not a elegant word for truth. While the word truth can occasionally be used to refer to a “truism,” since truisms are often true, the reverse—the use of truism to mean “truth”—is unwise. Truism stands for a certain kind of truth—a cliché, a platitude,…

Is the truism that wealth always drives culture?

— Chuck Carlton, Dallas News, 31 July 2021 Wealth always drives culture, a truism that hardly needs to be said.

Is the journey of a thousand miles a truism?

It depends whether you think this statement is interesting and contains a new idea, or whether you think it’s so obvious that it’s not even worth saying. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Again, people disagree about whether this is a truism.


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