How do I find my cPanel login details?

How do I find my cPanel login details?

You can retrieve your cPanel username and password as follows:

  1. Login to your client area at
  2. Click ‘My Hosting Packages’
  3. Alongside the relevant package click ‘View Details’
  4. Locate your cPanel login information under ‘Login Details’

What is your cPanel username and password?

The username for your account – This is your cPanel username or the domain on the account. The password for your account – This is set when you create the account, and it can also be reset later if you forget.

How do I find my cPanel ID and password?

To find your cPanel username, you will first need to log into your AMP. Remember that with AMP, your email address is your username. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it at this link:

What is the cPanel login URL?

How to Login to cPanel. You can login to your cPanel using the address bar of your browser. Type in your website address followed by a colon and then 2083. Accessing your cPanel would look like this

How do I find my cPanel account?

How To Create A New cPanel in WHM – cPanel Setup

  1. Login to the WHM.
  2. Click Account Functions.
  3. Click the icon Create a New Account.
  4. Under Domain Information enter the domain, username, password (twice) and the contact email address.
  5. In the Package section select the package your have already created.

How do I access my cPanel email?

Log in to cPanel. In the EMAIL section of the cPanel home screen, click Email Accounts. Under Email Accounts, locate the e-mail account that you want to access, and then click Check Email. Alternatively, you can use the URL, where is your domain name, to access webmail.

How do I recover my cPanel password?

Method 1: Via the cPanel Login Page

  1. Enter your cPanel’s URL in a browser.
  2. Click the Reset Password link.
  3. On the next page, enter your username.
  4. Once done, click the Reset Password button.
  5. Enter your signup email address, then click the Send Security Code button.

How do I log into my webmail cPanel?

To log in to the Webmail interface, perform the following steps: Enter the IP address or domain and the 2096 service port in your preferred browser (for example, ). Enter your email address in the Email Address text box. Enter your password in the Password text box….Log in

  1. cPanel.
  2. WHM.
  3. Webmail.

How do I get cPanel access?

Accessing User Manager

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. Scroll to the Preferences section and click on User Manager.
  3. Once User Manager opens, click the Add User button to begin creating a new user account.
  4. Create the new user account by filling in the form provided.
  5. Specify the services the user can access.

What is cPanel in website?

cPanel is a web hosting control panel software developed by cPanel, LLC. It provides a graphical interface (GUI) and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site to the website owner or the “end user”. It enables administration through a standard web browser using a three-tier structure.

What kind of software is used by Rochen?

Powered by our own VMware virtualized private cloud with access to the latest software including LiteSpeed LSCache, PHP 7.4, easy site staging tools and Imunify360 malware protection. I have been with Rochen for 10+ years now, through many changes and server upgrades.

How long does it take to install a new CMS on Rochen?

Free of charge, for up to 10 sites. Our expert migration team can typically get you moved over to your Rochen account within 24 hours. We can install the latest version of many popular CMS for you, automatically, or easily make additional installs with just 1-Click after your account is setup.

How long does it take to move to a new Rochen account?

Our expert migration team can typically get you moved over to your Rochen account within 24 hours. We can install the latest version of many popular CMS for you, automatically, or easily make additional installs with just 1-Click after your account is setup.

What kind of RAM is used at Rochen?

At Rochen we use fast CPUs from Intel, low latency DDR4 RAM and high performance and redundant storage built on VMware vSAN using pure SSDs backed by a speedy NVMe caching layer.

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