What is a good split routine for weight lifting?

What is a good split routine for weight lifting?

5. Five-Day Split

  • Day 1: Chest—4-5 exercises, 3-4 sets, 6-15 reps.
  • Day 2: Back—5 exercises, 3-4 sets, 6-15 reps.
  • Day 3: Shoulders, upper traps—4-5 exercises, 3-4 sets, 6-15 reps.
  • Day 4: Legs—5-6 exercises, 3-4 sets, 6-15 reps.
  • Day 5: Biceps, triceps—3-4 exercises each, 3-4 sets, 6-15 reps.
  • Day 6-7: Rest.

How is DC training set up?

The fundamental principles of DC training include:

  1. Incredibly heavy weights.
  2. Multi-rep rest pausing.
  3. Low volume with higher frequency.
  4. Extreme stretching.
  5. Carb cutoffs.
  6. Low intensity cardio.
  7. High protein intake.
  8. Blasting and cruising phases.

What is DC weight training?

DC Training is a hardcore bodybuilding program that uses rest-pause sets, extreme stretches and lower-volume / higher-frequency workouts to turn you into the biggest, strongest bodybuilder you can become.

What is a good split for workout?

Push/pull/legs is favorite training split which includes pushing muscles (chest, shoulder, triceps), the pulling muscles the next (back, biceps, forearms, abs), and lower body (quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves’ w/ abs) on the next day. Add in rest days where needed, all while you don’t miss any days.

How long is DC training?

I am sure you have heard of the DC Training “blasting and cruising” phases. The basic idea is to train very hard for 6-12 weeks where you are trying to beat the logbook every workout. Then you have a 1-2 week cruising phase where you take it easy in the gym and let your body rest and recover.

What does DC mean in bodybuilding?

Doggcrapp, abbreviated as DC, is a training system designed to gain pure muscle mass and strength. People started calling this method “Doggcrapp” because of the nickname of Dante Trudel on the website where he first published it.

Which split is best for beginners?

So what is the best training split for a beginner? One of the most effective is the whole-body split. (We’ll get into the details of what that is in a minute.) The key is to continue using the proper split as you progress from beginner to advanced.

How often do you do a DC split?

Part 1: The DC Training Split DC Training utilizes an upper body / lower body split performed 3 days per week. You are going to train your entire upper body (minus your biceps and forearms) on the upper body day and your entire lower body (plus your biceps and forearms) on the lower body day.

Which is the best split for weight training?

The Ultimate Guide To An Effective Training Split 1 Whole-body Split. 2 Upper- and Lower-body Split. 3 Push/Pull/Legs. 4 Four-Day Split. 5 Five-Day Split.

How many days should I split my Workout?

The volume of work (number of sets and reps) done on each body part is low when following a whole-body split; the next step up is a split in which you cover the entire body over two days, and perform two exercises per muscle group.

How often should you hit each body part in DC?

DC Training focuses on hitting each body part every 4th or 5th day as opposed to every 7th day in a typical bodybuilding split. Rest-Pause Sets – 3 sets with an aim for 11-15 reps total per body part on any given training day.

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