When does the National Student Survey come out?

When does the National Student Survey come out?

The National Student Survey has run annually since 2005. The survey is open to most final year undergraduate students from January to April. 3 The results are published in July, when individual higher education providers are also able to access a more detailed breakdown of their results.

What is the purpose of the NSS survey?

The NSS gathers students’ opinions on the quality of their courses which helps to: inform prospective students’ choices provide data that supports institutions in improving the student experience support public accountability.

What’s the response rate to the National Student Survey?

Over 4 million people have filled it in; in 2019, it had a response rate of 72 per cent. It is a valuable source of information for prospective students, and has helped put teaching and student experience at the heart of higher education.

What are the themes of the National Student Survey?

For the last 15 years, the National Student Survey has tracked students’ views of their courses and their university or college. This Insight brief explores the themes of consistency, controversy and change that have characterised the survey.

Join the 4 million students who have shared their views and helped improve the student experience. Open 6 January to 30 April 2021. The NSS gives you the opportunity to say what you think about your course at your university/college. It allows you to say both what you liked and what you think could be improved.

Is the NSS data the same as previous years?

The NSS data has been published in the same way as in previous years, however the OfS and UK funding and regulatory bodies have taken some decisions in the way that the following NSS 2021 data is presented:

When do the NSS 2020 results come out?

NSS 2020 survey results are currently published on the Discover Uni website. The NSS 2021 results will be published on this website in October 2021. Link added to details of the review of the NSS.

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