What does WL12 mean?

What does WL12 mean?

If I have a ticket with either RLWL17/ WL7 or GNWL15 / WL12 status on my ticket, what does it mean? It simply means that out of 17, 10 passengers have cancelled their tickets, and hence the number 7 (latter).

What is WL10 in Irctc?

You can check your PNR status regularly to know the exact status. It appears as WL15/WL10 which means the ticket at the time of booking had the waitlist status as WL15 and after booking the status has shifted to WL10. PQWL (Pooled Quota waiting List): PQWL is a rare type of waiting list ticket status.

Will WL 35 get confirmed?

What is the meaning of WL35? If the passenger status is marked as WL followed by a number then the passenger has a waitlisted status. This can get confirm only if the passengers who have booked before you for the same journey cancel their ticket.

Will WL 16 get confirmed?

For example if the status is GNWL 23 / WL 16 , then this means that you have a waiting list of 16 and your ticket will get confirmed only if 16 passengers who have booked before you for the same journey cancels their ticket.

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