Can you play Kayle as ADC?

Can you play Kayle as ADC?

Good with a zillian support in coms, he gives levels, a revive and movement speed which are all super good for kayle. You have to communicate your ultimates, however, or both people will ult 1 target. If she was ranged at 1, I would say yes.

Does Kayle Build AP or AD?

This guide and the explanations that follow will primarily focus on AD/On-Hit Kayle as I believe that is the superior way to play her. The AD version doesnt scale as hard as the AP version but you will powerspike earlier into the game which is what you want.

What should I build for Kayle?

Kayle Item Build

  • Berserker’s Greaves.
  • Kraken Slayer.
  • Nashor’s Tooth.
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade.
  • Blade of the Ruined King.
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap.

Is hybrid Kayle good?

Kayle does a lot of damage she is very good in team fights and her ultimate is a game changer. Her farm is great with E. Her escape and chase potential are great. Early Game.

Can Kayle go Sup?

She can lash out tons of damage but she can’t really do much in support roles. Her healing is weak (unlike other champions like sona, soraka, alistar) and she’s got weak CC (unlike, janna and alistar) so do not play her support, but top lane, where she can play counter 🙂 Kayle is actually a very decent carry.

Can Kayle go bot?

Bot lane carry needs range or at least be able to trade, or farm safely vs ranged champions like Yasou. Kayle is not ranged and has a horrible laning phase. Which are the 2 biggest things you need to go bot lane. So no way in hell she will ever be viable bot.

Is Kayle ad or AP Reddit?

AD, best as a sort of extra ADC top lane with added utility. Super strong late game. R>Q>E>W. Q is good harass/damage amp/slow (Also scales with AD, E does too but this is a good trading tool), then you level up E before W because the heal is only good if you max it first and have AP.

Does Kayle counter Darius?

This particular counter matchup is relatively rare. Kayle encounters Darius in only 3.2% of her games. Kayle does a great job of beating Darius. On average, she wins a whopping 55.1% of games the champions oppose each other in.

Is Kayle a tank?

Introduction. Kayle has always been one of the most underrated characters. This build used to be a real tanky support Kayle, but I’ve had to change it slightly, because of the changed Riot has made to her and now she’s better of played tanky, but offensive support than tanky, but semi-passive support.

What is the best lane for Kayle?

top lane
Kayle is a versatile champion, and she’ll fit comfortably in the mid or top lane.

How good is Kayle?

Kayle is a versatile champion, and she’ll fit comfortably in the mid or top lane. She’s a champion that benefits greatly from scaling, and it’s important to take this into consideration when you pick her. In the early stages of the game, you’re going to be incredibly weak.

Does Kayle counter Nasus?

Kayle wins against Nasus 44.93% of the time which is 1.58% lower against Nasus than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Kayle wins against Nasus 3.2% less often than would be expected.

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