How do you care for Spathiphyllum Wallisii?

How do you care for Spathiphyllum Wallisii?

Spathiphyllum Care

  1. Temperature: Regular house temperatures to slightly on the warm side. Avoid hot or cold drafts.
  2. Light: While Spathiphyllum will tolerate very low light, without some brightness from a window or a lamp, they are unlikely to bloom much, if at all.
  3. Water: Ideally, keep the soil evenly moist (not wet!)

Does Spathiphyllum need sun?

Peace Lilies can live in low to bright, indirect sunlight. They’re the perfect plant to bring life to a dark room or corner. Prolonged exposure to bright direct sunlight may burn and scorch their leaves and dry out their flowers.

Why does my Spathiphyllum not flower?

The most common reason for a Peace Lily not blooming is insufficient lighting. Other common causes include watering, fertilizer or temperature problems, or an aging or root-bound plant. A Peace Lily will resume blooming once good care conditions are restored.

What does a Spathiphyllum look like?

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is one of the most commonly known houseplants. Peace lilies are shiny green leafed plants that bloom normally spring through summer. In warmer climates some species of Spathiphyllum are suitable for humid shade borders.

Should you mist a Spathiphyllum?

Peace lilies are more tolerant of under-watering than over-watering. Keep plants evenly moist by watering when soil feels dry to the touch. Take care not to over-water. Peace lily leaves also enjoy a good misting, which you can do when you water throughout the summer.

Why is my Spathiphyllum drooping?

A drooping peace lily is a sign of underwatering or overwatering. Root rot disease, too much sun, or repotting shock can also cause the Spathiphyllum to wilt. To revive a droopy peace lily, improve drainage in the pot, water adequately but not in excess, or repot the plant to get rid of the fungus.

Why did my flowers stop blooming?

Shade: Lack of adequate light is another very common reason that many types of plants do not flower. Plants may grow but not flower in the shade. Drought: Flowers or flower buds dry and drop off when there is temporary lack of moisture in the plants. Improper Pruning: Some plants bloom only on last year’s wood.

What does the Spathiphyllum wallisii flower look like?

The spadix of the Spathiphyllum wallisii surrounded by the the spathe, which although it looks like a large ‘petal’ flower is only one or often two bract leaves. The spathe has an oval shape and ends at a acute peak.

What kind of flowers does a Spathiphyllum have?

Most species of Spathiphyllum have brilliant snow-white spathes. Other varieties of Spathiphyllum may have yellowish or greenish spathe leaves surrounding an orange spadix. The white sheath-type flowers provide a stunning contrast against the shiny green broad leaves.

How often should you water a Spathiphyllum wallisii plant?

Water regularly, keeping the compost moist but not wet. The leaves have an alarming tendency to droop if the plant is short of water, but the plant usually recovers after a few hours once this is remedied. Spathiphyllum wallisii likes humidity, so you could place the plant on a tray of moist pebbles.

How long does the Spathiphyllum wallisii cradle live?

Spathiphyllum wallisii cradle is the tropical zone of South America, namely Colombia, where most of its natural populations, as well as Venezuela, are found. Its natural ecosystems are the shady areas of rainforests usually found in wet habitats. The Spathiphyllum wallisii lives for 3 to 5 years, but sometimes it is reported to be over 10 years.

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