What should my poker HUD stats be?

What should my poker HUD stats be?

Here is the short answer: The best poker HUD stats to have are VPIP, PFR, AF, 3Bet% and ATS. There are many more useful preflop and postflop stats to have such as 4Bet% and flop, turn and river CBet. However these are the 5 best poker HUD stats to have on your table.

What is the best HUD for poker?

PokerTracker 4 is the Best Poker HUD Software for 2021 And it will probably come as little surprise to some of you that PokerTracker 4 is still my #1 top recommended poker HUD software for 2021. The reason why is because this poker HUD is the most comprehensive and easy to use poker tracking program out there.

Are poker HUDs cheating?

HUDs are NOT cheating. A HUD is a tool for online poker. You should use ALL the tools available to you.

What percentage of online poker players use a HUD?

Hand histories are small text files that are automatically created by the poker site after every hand and stored on your computer. So for instance, say that you have played 100 hands of poker with a specific player. And by this I simply mean that you were seated at the same table as them for 100 hands.

What is a good WSD?

A good W$SD is somewhere between 49% and 54%. In general, if your WSD is too low, then it means you are probably calling too many bad hands and/or bluffing too much earlier in the hand. If it’s too high, it means that you are probably either not bluff-catching enough and/or not bluffing enough.

What’s a good Vpip?

50% to 60% is ideal, assuming that you have a VPIP of 15% to 20%. Much higher, and you are probably overplaying speculative hands and bad hands, and bluffing too much. Much lower and you are not playing your good hands strongly postflop. Leave the bluffing for the movies and for live play.

What is a good Vpip percentage?

What is a good 3 bet percentage?

At the low stakes, a good 3-bet percentage will be around 5%–9%. Players can win aggressively with 3-bet percentages as high as 11%, however generally for beginners it is much easier to play with a tighter 3-bet range.

Are poker HUDs allowed?

Heads-up-displays, or HUDs, are legal to use on nearly all online poker sites. A poker site’s terms of service will usually disclose its policy regarding HUDs within their website. The tracking of players via third-party software has had a profound impact on the game since around 2003.

Are HUDs allowed?

HUDs are banned and encouraged to be reported. Reading through their Terms and Conditions, Global Poker explicitly states that third-party software (HUDs) is not allowed. If they catch any player using a HUD, they reserve the right to confiscate their funds.

What is a good Vpip for PLO?

PLO Loves Action While a VPIP (Voluntary Put Money in Pot) of 10%-15% in NLH would not be unheard of for a decent player, that same frequency would be exceedingly tight for a PLO player. Even some very good PLO players may have a VPIP of 25%-30%.

What is a Vpip?

VPIP tracks the percentage of hands in which a particular player voluntarily puts money into the pot preflop. VPIP increases when a player could fold but instead commits money to the pot preflop. This includes limping (merely calling the big blind), calling, and raising.

What are the best HUD stats for a winning player?

Or what are the best poker HUD stats for a winning player. Here is the short answer: The best poker HUD stats to have are VPIP, PFR, AF, 3Bet% and ATS. There are many more useful preflop and postflop stats to have such as 4Bet% and flop, turn and river CBet.

What do you need to know about HUD in poker?

What is a HUD in poker? Short for Heads-Up Display, a HUD is a tool used in online poker games to track and display opponents’ poker statistics in real time. PokerTracker 4, Hold’em Manager 2, and DriveHUD are examples of poker hand tracking programs that include a HUD. Playing with a HUD can give you a big edge if used correctly.

What happens when you cash out on SWC poker?

When you cash out, you would cash out from your SwC Poker account into your Bitcoin wallet. When you go to deposit on SwC Poker, you will receive a deposit address. This is the address you put into your Bitcoin wallet to send your selected amount of Bitcoin to SwC Poker.

When is the first BCH poker tournament on SWC?

24 May 2021 First ever BCH poker tournament series to run May 28th thru June 6th on SwC Poker. 20 April 2021 Triple krill for all cash games until the BBJ reacches 1,000,000 or gets hit! What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is an electronic currency and payment system based on an open-source, peer-to-peer internet protocol.

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