What is the difference between a petunia and a wave petunia?

What is the difference between a petunia and a wave petunia?

Wave petunias have a unique trailing growth habit and are highly prolific in their blooming. A regular petunia has an upright or bush growth habit. It may spread slightly, but will not drape down as dramatically as a Wave petunia.

What is special about Wave petunias?

Wave petunia plants have a spreading growth habit, with the ability to fill flower beds with their blooms that sprout all along their stems, which can reach up to 4 feet (1 m.). Wave petunia plants are so versatile they can accent almost any part of your landscaping design.

How long does it take for Wave petunias to spread?

It will most likely take at least 10 to 14 days to see results. Containers and hanging baskets require fertilizer more often–sometimes twice a week in the summer to ensure optimum growth and health. If your Wave Petunias get more overgrown or leggy in your landscape than you prefer, you can cut them back.

What are the different wave petunias?

According to the Ball Company, the Wave petunia family now comes in five different series, and dozens of colors. The series now includes the Wave�, Tidal Wave�, Easy Wave�, Double Wave� and Shock Wave� series � in easy-to-spot Pink Pots at your local garden center or home store.

Do Wave petunias come back every year?

Wave Petunias are low-maintenance; you don’t have to cut the plants back or remove dead flowers. The faded blooms will dry up and drop off the plants on their own, with more appearing continuously all season long.

How many Wave petunias in a hanging basket?

If planting your basket with just Wave petunias, you could get away with just one plant per hanging basket, but many will plant three to really get a nice display (stick with odd numbers). This will depend largely on your basket size, but for a general 12″ basket, 3 plants will easily be enough.

Do Wave petunias last all summer?

Healthy Wave Petunia plants produce sweeping layers of vivid color all Summer long. Enjoy boun- tiful blooms on your Wave plants through the simple and easy grooming steps of pinching and deadheading.

Does Walmart have Wave petunias?

You can find plenty of Wave Petunias in their pretty pink packaging at national chain stores like The Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Walmart. We partner with these stores to bring popular colors in Easy Wave and Shock Wave to you, as well as top-selling Wave Purple Classic.

Do Wave petunias mound?

For example, while most wave petunias are ground covers and don’t do have much height, there are series of wave petunias (Tidal Wave petunias) that can mound quite a bit.

Is Miracle Grow good for petunias?

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food guaranteed bigger, more beautiful plants! It is full of essential nutrients that will make your petunias happy and healthy. This fertilizer is intended to be applied every 7-14 days.

How far apart should you plant Wave petunias?

Tidal Wave Petunias grow according to how you space them: Spaced 12 inches (30 cm) apart, they form a dense, mounded hedge. Spaced a little farther apart – about 18 inches (45 cm) – they will perform as large, mounded bedding plants.

Where can I buy Wave petunias?

Do new wave petunias need deadheading?

Unlike standard petunias that require regular deadheading to keep them blooming prolifically throughout the season, Wave petunias require no deadheading. As the flowers wilt and dry up, they fall naturally from the plant, and new blooms soon takes their place.

What kind of soil is for wave petunias?

Wave petunias need loose soil that drains well. A mixture of equal parts peat moss and potting soil works well for containers.

Are petunias easy to grow?

Petunias are moderately easy to grow from seed, and extremely easy to grow from commercially grown seedlings. Use petunias everywhere there is sun. The low growing types are ideal for the front of a flower border, in planters near doorways and pools, or on patios.

What to plant with petunias?

Some of the plants that thrive when you plant petunias as companions include brassicas, beans, basil, tomatoes, grapes, corn and peppers.

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