What equipment do officials need in football?

What equipment do officials need in football?

All referees carry a whistle, a watch, penalty cards, a data wallet with pen and paper, and a coin for determining which team has the choice of ends or kick-off. Most are encouraged to have more than one of each on them in case they drop a whistle or a pen runs out and so on.

What are the 5 officials in football?


  • Umpire.
  • Down Judge.
  • Line Judge.
  • Field Judge.
  • Side Judge.
  • Back Judge.
  • What are the names of the officials in football?

    American football officials are commonly referred to as referees, but each has a title based on their position. They consist of: Referee, Head Linesman, Line Judge, Umpire, Back Judge, Side Judge, and Field Judge.

    What do the letters on football officials mean?

    Referees wear numbers and letters to identify themselves in a football game. Like football players, referees have numbers and letters to let the coaches know who will make a call. For instance, a back judge will be responsible for signaling touchdown and worry about plays that happen downfield.

    What does a referees kit consist of?

    Referee “starter kits” are widely available online and at soccer supply retailers for about $40-$60. These kits typically include: an economy uniform (shirt, shorts, and socks), flags, whistle, yellow/red cards, flipping coin, velcro disc (for affixing your badge to your shirt), and a referee “book” with score sheets.

    What a referee needs?

    Referee Skills Working in a fast-paced environment, Referees need to have an eye for detail and possess strong verbal communication, decision-making and leadership skills.

    What is C football referee?

    center judge
    The center judge (C) is positioned beside the referee in the offensive backfield adjacent to the referee, positioned equivalent to the Umpire. Such responsibilities include ball spotting, penalty marking, and assisting the referee and umpire.

    How many referees are there in football?

    seven officials
    In gridiron football, an official is a person who has responsibility in enforcing the rules and maintaining the order of the game. During professional and most college football games, seven officials operate on the field.

    What do the C patches on NFL jerseys mean?

    Players who have been named a team captain typically wear a “C” patch on their jerseys. The number of gold stars on the patch represents the number of years that player has been named captain by a team.

    What does C stand for in football referee?

    The position will be called center judge — the new official will wear a “C” on his back –and be located in the offensive backfield opposite the referee.

    What do Referees need to wear?

    FIFA regulations stipulate that referees wear black shorts, black socks and black shoes; while the jersey can be black, red, yellow, green or blue (on paper). The idea, chiefly, is to ensure the referee on the field is as distinguishable as possible from the rest of the players, to avoid confusion.

    What equipment do football officials wear?

    Football officials need to have a watch, stopwatch, or any similar device that will allow them to keep track of time accurately. Head referees in top-flight leagues typically wear two wristwatches: one watch runs nonstop during a game while the other is stopped every time there is a stoppage or delay of play.

    What do football officials wear?

    For ease of recognition, officials are usually clad in a black-and-white vertically striped shirt and black trousers with a thin white stripe down the side (this was formerly white knickers with black/white striped stirrup stockings or one-piece stockings). Officials also wear a black belt, black shoes , and a baseball cap . A letter indicating the role of each official appears on the back of the shirt at some levels, while NFL officials have numbers with a small letter or letters above.

    What are the positions of football officials?

    Football officials are commonly, but incorrectly, referred to collectively as referees, but each position has specific duties and a specific name: referee, umpire, head linesman (or down judge), line judge, back judge, side judge, center judge (used only in NCAA Division I college football and in the AAF during its single season) and field judge.

    What equipment do football referees use?

    Equipment for football officials Whistle. The referee blows his whistle to start play, stop or delay play due to a foul or injury and also to end each half of the game. Timepiece. Referees need at least one timepiece – a wrist watch and stopwatch in-order to monitor the game time. Earpiece and radio set. Cards and notebook. Pressure gauge. Assistant referee’s flag.

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