What is meant by Chronopharmacology?

What is meant by Chronopharmacology?

Chronopharmacology is the study of how the effects of drugs vary with biological timing and endogenous periodicities. The goal is to improve our understanding of periodic and thus predictable (e.g. circadian) changes in both desired effects (chronoeffectiveness) and tolerance (chronotolerance) of medications.

What chronobiology means?

Chronobiology is the study of mechanisms underlying chronomes, structures in time, found in organisms, in populations, and in the environment. The development of chronomics from chronobiology can be compared with that of genomics from genetics.

What are the 4 biological rhythms?

How Biological Rhythms Work

  • Diurnal (night and day)
  • Circadian (24 hours)
  • Ultradian (less than 24 hours)
  • Infradian/Circalunar (1 month)
  • Circannual (1 year)

What is the use of Chronopharmacology?

Chronotherapeutics is the science which increases the creativity and security of prescriptions by balancing their fixations during the 24 h synchronizing with regular routine determinants of disease. Chronopharmacokinetics again manages time and predictable changes in pharmacokinetic parameters of medicines.

What is biological clock PPT?

BIOLOGICAL CLOCK  An internal system that controls an organism’s circadian rhythms, the cycles of behavior that occur regularly in a day. ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL CLOCK IN MENSTRUATION The Menstrual Cycle -an example of an Infradian Rhythm, is controlled by hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

What is biological clock in pharmacology?

A biological clock pertains to any of the various mechanisms that regulate biological rhythms such as sleep and wakefulness cycle, body temperature, patterns of hormone secretion, blood pressure, digestive secretions, alertness levels, reaction times, etc.

What is Chronogenetics?

Adjective. chronogenetic (not comparable) (biology) Relating to chronogenesis (or to chronological age)

What controls melatonin release?

Its secretion is regulated by a rhythm-generating system located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, which is in turn regulated by light. Melatonin is regulated not only by that circadian oscillator but acts as a darkness signal, providing feedback to the oscillator.

What are the 3 main categories of biological rhythms?

There are three types of biological rhythms:

  • Circadian rhythms: biological cycles that occur about every twenty-four hours. Sleep follows a circadian rhythm.
  • Infradian rhythms: biological cycles that take longer than twenty-four hours.
  • Ultradian rhythms: biological cycles that occur more than once a day.

What is a woman’s biological clock?

The biological clock is a metaphor used to describe the sense of pressure many people feel to get pregnant while they’re at the peak of their reproductive years. While it’s true that fertility begins to decline for most people in their mid-30s, you can still become pregnant later in life.

What is Chronopharmacology Slideshare?

Chronopharmacology science concerned with the variations in the pharmacological actions of various drugs over biological timings & endogenous periodicities. Biological Rhythm  A determined rhythmic biological process or function.

What is an example of an ultradian rhythm?

An ultradian rhythm has a shorter period and higher frequency than a circadian rhythm. The cycle is repeated throughout a 24-hour circadian day. Examples of ultradian rhythms are blood circulation, pulse, heart rate, thermoregulation, blinking, micturition, appetite, arousal, etc.

How does chronopharmacokinetics relate to time of day?

Chronopharmacokinetics involves the study of temporal changes in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion with respect to time of administration. Drug Absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination are influenced by many different physiological functions of the body, which may vary, with time of day.

How is the chronopharmacological field related to drug therapy?

Research in the chronopharmacological field has demonstrated the importance of biological rhythms in drug therapy, and this has brought a new approach to the development of drug delivery systems. Optimal clinical outcomes cannot be achieved if drug plasma concentrations are constant.

Which is the best description of chronotherapeutics?

Chronotherapeutics includes the fundamentals and research into various aspects of chrono physiology, chronopathology, chronopharmacology, chrono pharmacokinetics, chronopharmacodynamics, chronoesthesy and chronotoxicology. Broadly, chronopharmaceutics bring together Chronobiology and pharmaceutics.

What does the term Chrono mean in biology?

The term “chrono” basically refers to the observation that every metabolic event undergoes rhythmic changes in time. Researchers have concluded that all living organisms are composites of rhythms with varying frequencies that may range from seconds to seasons.

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