How do you pray for guidance and protection?

How do you pray for guidance and protection?

I pray for Your protection as I begin this day. You are my hiding place, and under Your wings I can always find refuge. Protect me from trouble wherever I go, and keep evil far from me. No matter where I am, I will look to You as my Protector, the one who fights for me every day.

How do I pray over my work?

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the blessing of this job. I commit this workday to you. I invite you, Jesus, to be with me throughout this day. May I perform each task I encounter to the best of my ability; Help me be a person of integrity in all that I say and do.

How do you pray for a hostile work environment?

Please give me great wisdom, strength and grace at this time. Help me to respect my boss, but also not to be mistreated. Give me wisdom as I seek to negotiate, to stand my ground, and to remain respectful of my work colleagues. At this time, I choose to lean on you Lord, for in you I find strength and grace.

How do you pray to protect against your enemies?

In the name of JESUS I command the deep wells within me to be unblocked and break forth! The storm of the Lord shall pursue and overtake all powers conspiring for my demotion, From now on all my enemies will start to fight themselves I decree confusion into the camp of my enemies IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!

How do I ask God for help at work?

Say this prayer to help your boss to trust your work. “Lord, help my boss and me to establish a working relationship of trust. Help him/her to see that I am responsible and able to handle tasks and complete assignments on my own. Give them confidence in my ability to do my job and to follow direction.

What Psalm should I read for a job?


Do you have to pray to Satan in Satanism?

There are no set rules in Spiritual Satanism that state that prayer to Satan is required. But if you do chose to pray you have an opportunity to bond with Satan in a personal way. When a prayer is said to Satan, it is not just said with words; it is felt with the heart as well.

What’s the best way to pray for protection?

A Daily Prayer for Protection Lord God, I pray for Your protection as I begin this day. You are my hiding place, and under Your wings I can always find refuge. Protect me from trouble wherever I go, and keep evil far from me.

Which is the best book for satanic prayer?

For those of you who want to make Satanic prayer a part of your daily life, read about my new book, the Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections. The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book shows you how you can use prayer as a tool to become closer to Satan, Lucifer, Lilith and Belial.

When to do satanic prayer outside of ritual chamber?

Prayer can be done outside of the ritual chamber at any time you feel it is necessary. If daily devotional prayer interests you, this Satanic prayer may be used during a moment when you have time alone to be with Satan.

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