What are 3 good warm up exercises?

What are 3 good warm up exercises?

Some other examples of warm-up exercises are leg bends, leg swings, shoulder/ arm circles, jumping jacks, jumping rope, lunges, squats, walking or a slow jog, yoga, torso twists, standing side bends, lateral shuffle, butt kickers, knee bends, and ankle circles.

What are the basic warm up exercises?

6 Warmup Exercises to Help Boost Your Workout

  • Benefits.
  • Dynamic warmup.
  • Static stretching.
  • Squats.
  • Planks.
  • Side lunges.
  • Pushups.
  • Triceps warmup.

What exercises are good for football?

These exercises are designed to help you accelerate faster so you can speed past the defence and reach those long crosses for a magnificent finish.

  • Single-leg squat.
  • Dumbbell bench step-ups.
  • Weighted sled drags.
  • HIIT on treadmill.
  • Burpee pull-ups.
  • Lateral band walks.
  • Medicine ball push-ups.
  • Lateral hurdle sprints.

What are the 8 dynamic stretches?

Dynamic Stretching (Video)

  • Side Shuffle.
  • Carioca.
  • Backpedal Jog.
  • Walking Knee to Chest.
  • Lunge Walk with Twist.
  • Straight Leg Kick.
  • Heel-to-Rear Jog.
  • Power Skip Plus Reach.

What are some common warm up exercises?

– Jump again to return to the original position, with feet close together and arms by your sides. – Repeat about 10 times. – Jump higher to make it harder. Increase speed slowly.

What is a warm up routine?

Performing a warm-up routine involves the process of slightly raising your body temperature while increasing blood and oxygen circulation throughout your body. During the warm-up portion of your weight training workout, your body temperature should increase by one to two degrees Celsius .

What are warm up exercises for dodgeball?

Warm Up for Dodgeball. Arm Circles . Stand tall and extend your arms out to the side so that your body forms a T-shape. Create a small, controlled forward circular motion, beginning from the shoulder. Keep your arms straight the entire time. For the second set, circle backwards. Circle forwards again for the final set. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

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