How do I configure a custom 404 error page in Microsoft IIS?

How do I configure a custom 404 error page in Microsoft IIS?

Double-click the “Error Pages” icon located in the home pane; click “Edit.” Step 4: Enter the HTTP Status Code. When you see the dialog box “Edit Custom Error Page,” enter “404” underneath “Status Code.”

How do I display a custom error page?

To display a custom error page with an appropriate error code, use the section only, and do not use the section. Add the following section under

How do I enable an error page in IIS?

From the site list, click on the domain that need to enable detailed error messages. and then double click Error Pages in the Feature view. Click on the Edit feature setting from the right side Actions menu. From the error responses list, check on the Detailed Error and then click OK to save the update the changes.

How do I turn off custom errors in IIS?

KB-1178 How to disable custom error pages on IIS

  1. Navigate to the site on IIS.
  2. Select Error Pages and then Edit Feature Settings.
  3. Make sure only “Detailed Errors” is enabled.
  4. Back in the site in IIS, select . NET Error Pages and then Edit Feature Settings.
  5. Set the value to Off.

How do I fix 404 error in IIS?


  1. Open the Services Console (services.msc)
  2. Check that the IIS Admin Service and its dependencies are started, restarting the service if necessary.
  3. Verify that the website is started:
  4. Make sure the Application Pool is started:
  5. Verify the Application Pool is set to ASP.NET v4.0 and Network Service:

What is custom error pages?

Overview. Custom error pages enable you to customize the pages that are displayed when an error occurs. Not only do they make your website more professional, they can also save you from losing visits to your site. If a visitor sees a generic error page, they are likely to leave your site.

How do I enable custom errors?

To configure the custom errors mode, perform the following:

  1. Open your web.config file.
  2. Inside the section, change the tag in one of the following ways:
  3. Save and close the web. config .

How do I get a detailed 500 error?

Double click “ASP” in the site’s Home screen in IIS admin, expand “Debugging Properties”, enable “Send errors to browser”, and click “Apply”. Under “Error Pages” on the home screen select “500”, then “Edit feature settings” and select “Detailed Errors”.

How can show custom error page in ASP NET MVC?

Go to Web.config file

  1. There are two Web. config files in an ASP.NET MVC Project.
  2. Go to Web. config file at the root directory.
  3. Go to Root Directory, Web. config, then System. Web, and click CustomError. Set it to On. Add this line.

How do I get rid of custom errors?

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