What is the Alexa rank of Facebook?

What is the Alexa rank of Facebook?


Site Domain Name Alexa top 50 global sites (As of February 8, 2021)
Facebook facebook.com 7 ( )
Taobao taobao.com 8 ( )
Haosou 360.cn 9 ( 1)
Amazon amazon.com 10 ( 1)

How can I see my Alexa ranking?

Anyone can view the Alexa Rank of any website by entering it into Alexa’s free traffic tool, here. You’ll see the Alexa Rank of a website alongside other website traffic statistics. Because Alexa’s free website analytics tool shows much more information than just the Alexa Rank, you will need to look around a bit.

What is Alexa ranking in SEO?

Alexa rank is a measure of website popularity. It ranks millions of websites in order of popularity, with an Alexa Rank of 1 being the most popular. Alexa Rank reveals how a website is doing relative to all other sites, which makes it a great KPI for benchmarking and competitive analysis.

What is country Alexa rank?

The country traffic rank is extra, and only displayed if there is enough data. On the Site Overview page, we display the site’s traffic rank in the country where the greatest proportion of its users are located (based on the Alexa global sample). This might not be the same country in which the website is located.

What is Facebook’s global rank?

RANK86. Facebook, it appears, can’t be hurt—not by major ad buyers boycotting its service, not by state and federal investigations, and not even by a pandemic. Despite the impact of COVID-19 on its ad sales, Facebook impressed Wall Street all year by beating expectations.

Is Alexa Ranking accurate?

While Alexa rankings are a good way to compare one website’s performance with others, Alexa’s statistics are not necessarily accurate in the absolute terms. Several experts have tried to compare data from Alexa and Google Analytics over the years and have found that the data from Alexa was way off.

Who owns Alexa rank?

It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon. Alexa was founded as an independent company in 1996 and acquired by Amazon in 1999 for $250 million in stock. Alexa provides web traffic data, global rankings, and other information on over 30 million websites.

Is Facebook a Fortune 50?

RANK50. Last but not least, the social media player’s underlying business remains strong.

What is a number 1 Alexa rank?

The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Is Alexa traffic rank free?

A website’s Alexa rank represents its popularity relative to millions of other websites. With this free tool, you can instantly find the Alexa rank of any site by entering its domain name.

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