What is the traditional definition of family?

What is the traditional definition of family?

The definition of family changes across time and across culture. Traditional family has been defined as two or more people who are related by blood, marriage, and—occasionally—adoption (Murdock, 1949). Historically, the most standard version of the traditional family has been the two-parent family.

What do you call a traditional family?

The nuclear family is considered the “traditional” family and consists of a mother, father, and the children. The two-parent nuclear family has become less prevalent, and alternative family forms such as, homosexual relationships, single-parent households, and adopting individuals are more common.

Which is the best definition of the word pediment?

See more synonyms for pediment on Thesaurus.com. noun. (in classical architecture) a low gable, typically triangular with a horizontal cornice and raking cornices, surmounting a colonnade, an end wall, or a major division of a façade.

What makes a family a ” family ” in the Dictionary?

This definition broad- ens the scope by counting as “family” people who do not live together, but are related biologically or through legal contracts. Yet, though this definition is more inclusive, some would contend it still excludes some arrangements that many might recognize as legitimate families.

Which is the official definition of a family unit?

Family Unit: “Family unit” is not an official U.S. Census Bureau term, although it has been used in the poverty guidelines Federal Register notice since 1978. As used here, either an unrelated individual or a family (as defined above) constitutes a family unit.

What makes up the arch of a pediment?

The arch is composed of two unequal segments of a circle, which form a sort of natural pediment. There is a two-necked stone eagle (the Barbaro crest), with a copper crown, in the centre of the pediment. What Do “a.m.”

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