How do you use acceleration in a sentence?

How do you use acceleration in a sentence?

Examples of acceleration in a Sentence The car delivers quick acceleration. There has been some acceleration in economic growth. There has been an acceleration in economic growth.

How do you use the word accelerate?

cause to move faster.

  1. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.
  2. Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year.
  3. He decided to accelerate his output.
  4. The inflation rates began to accelerate last month.
  5. The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.

What is an example of the word acceleration?

The definition of acceleration is a change in the rate of motion, speed or action. An example of acceleration is increasing your driving speed from 45 to 55 to merge with traffic. (countable) The amount by which a speed or velocity increases (so a scalar quantity or a vector quantity).

What words mean accelerate?


  • fast-track,
  • hasten,
  • hurry,
  • quicken,
  • rush,
  • speed (up),
  • whisk.
  • Where can we use acceleration?

    Or, you can think about it this way. In a car you could accelerate by hitting the gas or the brakes, either of which would cause a change in speed. But you could also use the steering wheel to turn, which would change your direction of motion. Any of these would be considered an acceleration since they change velocity.

    How do you use centripetal acceleration in a sentence?

    Centripetal acceleration adds to the forces on the tire-ground contact, and when the friction force is exceeded the wheel slides. If it hasn’t left the sphere yet, it’s undergoing circular motion and is therefore subject to centripetal acceleration.

    How do you use expedite in a sentence?

    Expedite Sentence Examples

    1. Please expedite the delivery of the package.
    2. To expedite the approval process, you can apply online.
    3. The object of grafting is to expedite and increase the formation of flowers and fruit.
    4. He needs to expedite completion of the report.

    What are 5 examples of acceleration?


    • An object was moving north at 10 meters per second.
    • An apple is falling down.
    • Jane is walking east at 3 kilometers per hour.
    • Tom was walking east at 3 kilometers per hour.
    • Sally was walking east at 3 kilometers per hour.
    • Acceleration due to gravity.

    What does accelerate driving mean?

    Acceleration is the name we give to any process where the velocity changes. Since velocity is a speed and a direction, there are only two ways for you to accelerate: change your speed or change your direction—or change both. But you could also use the steering wheel to turn, which would change your direction of motion.

    What is the prefix of accelerate?

    English word accelerate comes from Latin accelero (I accelerate), which is a combination of the Latin prefix ad (toward, to, on, up to, for) and root celero (I hasten, quicken, make haste, hurry)

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