Should left arm be straight in golf swing?

Should left arm be straight in golf swing?

Golfers should try and keep their left arm as straight as possible without it being rigid, or locked, but some bend is fine. Their left arm continues to flex slightly in the downswing and will have around eight degrees of bend at impact.

What happens if you don’t keep left arm straight in golf swing?

If your left arm and shoulder are higher than your right, your club will move too far to the inside increasing your chance of coming over the top on the way down and hitting a weak slice. An extended left arm will create a large arc in your golf swing and help you make a powerful move into the ball.

Why is my left arm bent at impact?

If the right arm is pushing too much or the left arm is too tight through impact, this will cause the left arm to bend. The club will then start to release properly and your left arm will start to straighten at impact.

How do you keep left arm straight?

The “v” formed by your left thumb and index finger should point toward your right shoulder. Grip the club in the fingers of your right hand with the right pinky finger overlapping the index and middle finger of the left hand. This grip will give you leverage to hinge your wrists while keeping your left arm straight.

How important is a straight left arm?

The truth is, while keeping the left arm straight is not absolute imperative, it does help most players hit the ball farther and more solid. That’s because a straight left arm creates w idth at the top of the swing, which helps golfers create more speed and consistency.

How does the left arm move in the golf swing?

For right-handed golfers, the left arm is one of the most important aspects of the golf swing. The left arm determines the swing arc for a shot and helps release and rotate the wrists and club on the downswing.

How your right arm works in the golf swing?

Your right arm helps move the club along the plane. As you swing the golf club back, your right arm progressively folds at the elbow and an angle forms in the back of your right wrist. If your right elbow folds a great deal and stays close to your right side, your club will swing on a more horizontal swing plane, like all-time Texas great Ben Hogan .

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