What do people usually wear in Ecuador?

What do people usually wear in Ecuador?

The Ecuadorian woman’s dress is the closest to the Incan costumes worn in the Andes. A white blouse, a blue skirt and a shawl is usually worn. In coastal regions men usually wear ‘Guayaberas’ (loose-fitting men’s shirt often worn in lieu of a jacket) and women wear light dresses.

Where is the Otavalo market located?

Imbabura Province of Ecuador
Located in Imbabura Province of Ecuador, the Otavalo Market is home to the indigenous Otavaleño people, famous for weaving textiles of wool and selling them in the market, known to locals as the Plaza de los Ponchos.

How do OtavaleO men dress?

The indigenous people of Otavalo are easily identified by their traditional dress. Men can be seen wearing blue or grey ponchos, white calf-length knickers, rope sandals, dark felt hats, and the shimba, a long braid that almost reaches the waist.

What are houses like in Ecuador?

The Mountains – Most homes are made of brick or cement block. Old colonial homes were constructed with mud, clay and straw. Roofs are usually clay tiles or flat cement rooftops where clothes are hung out to dry.

What is the largest meal of the day in Ecuador?

The largest meal of the day in Ecuador is lunch, typically followed by a relaxing siesta. Breakfast is usually simple, and comes with many options familiar to Americans. Soup often accompanies most meals, and there are several popular varieties. Caldos can be creamy or not, and dense locros have potatoes and cheese.

What is special about Otavalo?

Otavalo is best known for its textiles and weaving, and it seems like the market is covered with blankets, table clothes, and wall hanging on display come Saturday market days. The Otavaleño indigenous people have been known for their weaving since pre-Inca times, and this is part of how the market got its start.

What is the most popular sport in Ecuador?

Sports in Ecuador influence the culture and its people. Football is the most popular sport, followed by baseball, volleyball, basketball, and tennis. Since 2005, Ecuador has been greatly involved in sports and hosted the Guayaquil Marathon in Ecuador’s largest city.

What kind of clothing does the otavalenos wear?

The women’s traditional dress is the most similar to an Inca ensemble found anywhere in the Andes. The Otavaleños are not only known for their distinctive dress and hair; they are also known for producing similar textiles for others to enjoy—a tradition in and of itself that extends back before the Incas.

What kind of jewelry do Otavalo women wear?

While the women often wear shawls as an accessory, it is the jewelry that holds a greater cultural signification. Otavalo women in particular wear necklaces of gold beads with red coral bracelets.

Why are alpaca sweaters important to the Otavalo culture?

Alpaca sweaters, Otavalo Our textiles go beyond the blankets and sweaters. They are woven stories of our culture, our wisdom, and our community. Our Alpaca clothing, are handmade by our family and friends in Ecuador, every textile that that you purchase helps bring food to their tables and preserves traditional Andean culture.

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