What is the styloglossus muscle?

What is the styloglossus muscle?

The styloglossus muscle is an extrinsic muscle of the tongue, and its origin in the styloid process of the temporal bone is well documented. However, some authors have noted variations in its origin.

Where does the styloglossus muscle attach?

The styloid process gives origin to three muscles, the styloglossus, stylohyoid, and stylopharyngeus. The styloglossus receives innervation from CN XII, attaches to the apex of the tongue, and draws up the sides of the tongue to form a conduit that facilitates swallowing.

What is the origin of hyoglossus muscle?

structure and function. The hyoglossus muscles originate on each side from the whole length of the greater cornua and also from the body of the hyoid. They are inserted into the posterior half or more of the sides of the tongue.

What are intrinsic muscles of the tongue?

The tongue’s intrinsic muscles include the following: The superior longitudinal lingual muscle, which shortens the tongue and curls it upward. The inferior longitudinal lingual muscle, which shortens the tongue and curls it downward. The transverse lingual muscle, which elongates and narrows the tongue.

What does the Palatoglossus do?

Structure and Function The palatoglossus muscle functions to elevate the posterior portion of the tongue. It also draws the soft palate inferiorly, thereby narrowing the diameter of the oropharyngeal isthmus.

What does the Palatopharyngeus do?

It attaches superiorly to the hard palate and palatine aponeurosis and inferiorly to the lateral wall of the pharynx. Its function is to tense the soft palate and pull the pharyngeal walls superiorly, anteriorly, and medially during swallowing, effectively closing off the nasopharynx from the oropharynx.

What are styloglossus and stylohyoid?

The origin of the stylohyoid muscle is from the middle of the posterior surface of the styloid process of the temporal bone near its base. The styloglossus muscle lies medially and anterior to the stylohyoid muscle. The stylopharyngeal muscle is located between the stylohyoid and the styloglossus muscle.

What is the action of hyoglossus?

Function. The hyoglossus depresses and retracts the tongue and makes the dorsum more convex.

What nerve Innervates the hyoglossus muscle?

The hypoglossal nerve enables tongue movement. It controls the hyoglossus, intrinsic, genioglossus and styloglossus muscles.

What are intrinsic muscles?

Definition. A group of muscles located within or situated deeper in a structure, in contrast to extrinsic muscles located rather superficially. Supplement. Based on the above definition, the intrinsic muscles refer to the muscles closest to the axial and appendicular skeleton.

What 4 muscles are intrinsic to the tongue?

The four muscles are:

  • superior longitudinal muscle of the tongue.
  • inferior longitudinal muscle of the tongue.
  • transverse muscle of the tongue.
  • vertical muscle of the tongue.

What does the Palatopharyngeus muscle do?

Where is the styloglossus muscle located in the tongue?

The styloglossus muscle is one of the extrinsic tongue muscles. origin: the apex of the styloid process adjacent to the origin of the stylomandibular ligament, and deep fibres of the ligament itself. insertion: merges with the hyoglossus and inferior longitudinal muscle of the tongue. innervation: hypoglossal nerve.

Which is the smallest of the three styloid muscles?

Styloglossus. The Styloglossus, the shortest and smallest of the three styloid muscles, arises from the anterior and lateral surfaces of the styloid process near its apex, and from the stylomandibular ligament. Passing downward and forward between the internal and external carotid arteries, it divides upon the side…

Is the palatoglossus a pharyngeal or lingual muscle?

The palatoglossus (poorly defined in rat) functions as a pharyngeal muscle ( Lowe, 1981 ). Motoneurons innervating the lingual musculature originate from 12N and travel in the hypoglossal nerve (12n) ( Fig. 5 ).

Where are intrinsic motoneurons located in the hyoglossus?

The hyoglossus is innervated by approximately twice as many motoneurons in the dorsal subdivision, caudal to STY motoneurons. Intrinsic lingual motoneurons that retract the tongue are also located in the dorsal subdivision.

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