Who is the traveler in TNG?

Who is the traveler in TNG?

Eric Menyuk
Eric Menyuk (born November 5, 1959) is an American attorney and former actor. He is best known for his brief appearances in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation as the Traveler. He was originally considered for the role of the android Data, which was eventually given to Brent Spiner.

Is Wesley Crusher the traveler?

In the television episode Journey’s End of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher leaves the Enterprise, drops out of Star Fleet Academy and joins the Traveler. This is the last episode where Wesley makes an appearance on the show.

What happened to the traveler Star Trek?

The Traveler collapsed in exhaustion and was taken to sickbay, where he revealed the secret of his abilities. He eventually returned to engineering, where he helped return the ship and crew home to the Milky Way Galaxy.

What species is the traveler?

The “Travelers”; as they seem to identify themselves; are a sapient humanoid species from Tau Alpha C which possess the ability to travel anywhere in the universe by manipulating space and warp fields with their thoughts.

Why did Wesley leave Star Trek?

According to Wheaton’s post, he was cast in 1989’s Valmont, and needed to be written out of a single Next Generation episode to accommodate the movie shoot in France.

What happened Gul EVEK?

Evek’s status within the Cardassian Military is revoked, causing him to set out on a mission of revenge against the Maquis, culminating in the battle with Chakotay’s raider. After his ship is subsequently damaged in plasma storms, he is rescued by the crew of Voyager but commits suicide shortly thereafter.

Is Wesley Crusher really Picard’s son?

Whether or not this was the original plan, Star Trek ultimately debunked the idea of Wesley Crusher being Picard’s son. Picard and Beverly did indeed have a past relationship: her late husband, Jack Crusher, was Picard’s former first officer and best friend on the USS Stargazer.

Did Wesley Crusher create the Borg?

In Star Trek Next Gen S03E01 Evolution he improves on nanites so that they can work together and improve themselves. To allow further growth they leave the enterprise to a wormhole that sends them through space and time to delta quadrant around 1484.

Was Wesley Picard’s son?

Why did the traveler abandon the fallen?

The traveller was made by the darkness, but it rebelled and escaped. Escaping it didn’t overcome its fear of it. So when the darkness came to get the traveller back, it left the fallen and came to earth. It tried to escape us but Rasputin shot it down.

Is the traveler a God?

The Traveler is a quasi-deity of trickery and joy worshiped by Jester Lavorre. As an NPC, the Traveler is portrayed by Matthew Mercer.

What rank is a Gul in Star Trek?

Gul. Gul Macet in 2367 Gul was a military rank held by the commander of a vessel or installation. (TNG: “The Wounded”, et al.; DS9: “Emissary”, et al.) This rank was presumably comparable to that of a captain.

Who is the traveler in Star Trek Next Generation?

Menyuk was a finalist for the role of Data, and was given the recurring role of The Traveler as a consolation prize. ( Starlog, December 1988, Issue 137, p. 54; Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (2nd ed., p. 36); Star Trek Encyclopedia (3rd ed., p. 520))

Who was the traveler on the TV show TNG?

Menyuk, meanwhile, didn’t walk away empty handed. He portrayed the Traveler, a memorable guest character, in three TNG episodes, continued to act for a while longer, and then pursued a career in law, representing children with disabilities.

Who is the actor who plays the traveler?

Background information. The Traveler was played by actor Eric Menyuk. Menyuk was a finalist for the role of Data, and was given the recurring role of The Traveler as a consolation prize.

Who was the actor who played data on Star Trek?

If the chips of fate had fallen differently, Eric Menyuk might have played Data for seven seasons on Star Trek: The Next Generation and in the four TNG big-screen adventures. Of course, Brent Spiner won the role, apparently just beating out Menyuk. Such is life. Such are careers in Hollywood. Menyuk, meanwhile, didn’t walk away empty handed.

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