Which songs do you sing during prayer everyday in your school?

Which songs do you sing during prayer everyday in your school?

School Prayer

  • School Prayer. We thank you God for giving us this day.
  • Prayer After School. O God, under whose mighty and gracious protection, our day was spent;
  • Pledge. India is my country.
  • BIND US TOGETHER. (Chorus)
  • LISTEN. (Chorus)
  • PRAYER FOR PEACE. God we pray for golden peace.

How do you pray in a school assembly?

Jesus, help my hands to do All things loving, kind, and true. Jesus, guard me through this day In all I do and all I say. We give you our school. We give you all the teachers and staff who work here, We give you all the children who study here.

How do you pray in English in school?

Here are a collection of prayers children might want to share, read, perform or reflect on during our school day. Thank you to the Collective Worship Council for illustrating them so beautifully. You are good and wise I will praise you when I rise. Jesus, hear this prayer I send Bless my family and my friends.

How do you pray in the morning at school?

These are the prayers we say in school:

  1. Morning Prayer. O my God you love me.
  2. Grace before meals. Bless us O God as we sit together.
  3. Grace after meals. Thank you God for the food we have eaten.
  4. Night Prayer. God Our Father, we come to say thank you for your love today.
  5. Our Father.
  6. Hail Mary.
  7. Act of Sorrow.

What is the timing for singing the prayer song?

The duration of scout and guides prayer song is 90 seconds and duration of flag song is 45 seconds. Scouting was established in the year of 1909 by the Scout Association in India as a foreign branch.

How do you conduct a morning assembly in school?

How To Conduct A Successful Morning Assembly:

  1. 1 – Clearly outline issues and announcements that will be delivered.
  2. 2 – Consult other staff who may have things to put across during the assembly.
  3. 3 – Prepare any visual, audio, or technical equipment beforehand.

How do you say morning prayer in English?

Dear Lord, help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You a priority in my morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

How do you start a prayer in school?

Dear God, Father of heavenly lights, Giver of perfect gifts,

  1. I give my child(ren) to you today and everyday.
  2. Today, I ask You for godly, loyal friends for my child(ren).
  3. Dear Father God,
  4. Today I come to you in prayer Lord, asking you to help my child(ren) experience peace this year.

How do you pray for students?

Lord God, Thank you for this opportunity to learn new skills and stretch my understanding. Thank you for guiding me through this time of study into the final exams. I lay before you all the hopes and fears I have about the outcome.


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