What helps with swelling in elderly feet and ankles?

What helps with swelling in elderly feet and ankles?

If you have swollen feet or ankles, let gravity work for you. Elevating your legs above the level of your heart helps drain built-up fluid from your lower extremities, says Dr. Botek.

When should you go to the hospital for edema?

When to Seek Care for Swelling You should seek emergency care if you have sudden, unexplained swelling in just one limb or if it occurs along with chest pain, trouble breathing, coughing up blood, fever, or skin that is red and warm to the touch.

When should you worry about edema?

Some accompanying symptoms require urgent care. Anyone experiencing shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain, or swelling in a single limb should seek immediate medical attention. When leg pain and swelling persist after a person has been sitting for several hours, this may indicate deep vein thrombosis.

How do you get rid of swollen legs and feet?

Get Rid of Swollen Legs, Ankles and Feet Relax the legs. Using bandages to wrap the ankles and /or feet or putting compression socks can help people reduce swelling and help the blood circulation too. Using ice. Lie down on the ground and elevate the feet on a chair or pillow in order to support blood flow towards the torso.

What home remedies can help reduce swelling in my legs?

Salt Water Dip. This is the simplest choice among home remedies for leg pain.

  • Essential Oils. This method is rather similar to the above but instead of using only warm water,you can add your chosen essential oils to promote its effects.
  • Cold Compress.
  • Massage.
  • Turmeric.
  • Ginger.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Lemon.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Epsom Salt.
  • What is the best treatment for swollen legs?

    The best treatments for leg pain and swelling depend on their cause. Common treatments, however, include pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, or other anti-inflammatory medications. Pain and swelling can be caused by injury, standing for prolong periods of time, and poor circulation.

    What is the best remedy for swelling?

    The best remedies for swelling depend upon the cause. Typically, soft-tissue swelling responds to ice packs and anti-inflammatory medications. Other types of swelling include ankle swelling or edema .

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