How can I get data from JSP page?

How can I get data from JSP page?

1) First create data at the server side and pass it to a JSP. Here a list of student objects in a servlet will be created and pass it to a JSP using setAttribute(). 2) Next, the JSP will retrieve the sent data using getAttribute(). 3) Finally, the JSP will display the data retrieved, in a tabular form.

How show all data from database in JSP?

Display Table Data Through JSP

  1. Step 1: Create a new database. In the first step we click on the blank database option and click on the create.
  2. Step 2: Design the database.
  3. Step 3: Make DSN.
  4. Step 4: Create a New Project.
  5. Step 5: Choose Project.
  6. Step 6: Name and Location.
  7. Step 7: Server and Setting.
  8. Step 8:Select Framework.

How display all images from database in JSP?

How to display images from database in JSP page with Java Servlet

  1. Retrieve the image data from the database as an array of bytes, by using JDBC.
  2. Encode the image’s binary data to String representation in Base64 format.
  3. Display the image on a JSP page using tag with image source is the base64 string.

How fetch data from database and display in Java?

Program to display data from database through servlet and JDBC

  1. import*;
  2. import javax.servlet.*;
  3. import javax.servlet.http.*;
  4. import java.sql.*;
  5. public class display extends HttpServlet.
  6. {
  7. public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException.
  8. {

How fetch data from database in JSP and display in HTML form?

Then we have created a JSP file/page and make a database connection at the JSP page then write a SQL query “SELECT * from tableName” for retrieving the data from database table and execute this query using executeQuery(sql) method of Statement interface and store the result into ResultSet.

How can we retrieve data from database in JSP?

Select a Specific Data From a Database in JSP

  1. Step 1 : Create a New Project. In this step we select New Project option from file menu.
  2. Step 2 : Choose Project. In this step we select web application from java web option and then click on the next button.
  3. Step 3 : Name and Location.

How can we retrieve image from database using servlet and display in HTML?


  1. Create a table in MYSQL.
  2. Create a WebProject in Eclipse.
  3. Create a folder ‘Servlet’ inside src folder.
  4. Copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.
  5. Create Two Servlet inside Servlet Folder.
  6. Create a Class file for get image list inside Servlet folder.
  7. Write a jsp file for insert and view images from database.

How fetch data from database and display in web page?

How to retrieve data from Database in HTML form?

  1. Step 1: Connection with Database. The dbConn.php file is used to make a connection with the database. dbConn.php.
  2. Step 2: Fetch or retrieve data from Database. This all_records.php file is used to display records from the database. all_records.php.

How do I retrieve data from Access?

How to Extract Data From Access

  1. Open Microsoft Access. Run the query you want to extract or open the table.
  2. Save the query or table.
  3. Select the format you wish to export.
  4. Select the folder on your computer where you want the data.
  5. Navigate to the folder where you exported your data.

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