How do I create an InfoSet in SAP HR?

How do I create an InfoSet in SAP HR?

To create an InfoSet query, choose the InfoSet Query button on this screen. A dialog box appears, showing a table of all of the InfoSets available for your user group. Select the InfoSet you require and confirm the dialog.

How do you create an InfoSet in SAP?

Creation of Infosets Using Database Tables (TCode: SQ02)

  1. Enter the transaction code SQ02.
  2. On the Initial screen, enter the name of the infoset you want to create.
  3. Choose Create.
  4. Enter the name of infoset as entered on the Initial screen.
  5. Select the data source.
  6. Choose Continue.
  7. Select the field groups.
  8. Choose Continue.

How do I create ad hoc query in SAP HR?

SAP AD HOC Query Tutorial (S_PH0_48000513)

  1. Select a Work Area – queries linked to a specific client or to all clients.
  2. Choose a User Group – to access available infosets.
  3. Choose an Infoset – In the list select the desired infoset.
  4. Click the Check Mark Button.

What is InfoSet SAP HR?

InfoSet Query is used in HR to create reports to meet requirements that are not satisfied by standard reports. By selecting selection fields and output fields, you can access data stored anywhere within the Human Resources System. You do not require programming skills to create reports using the InfoSet query.

How do I run InfoSet in SAP?

As soon as a suitable InfoSet is available for your user group, you can generate a query for it:

  1. Call transaction SQ01.
  2. To execute an existing query, select it from the table, and choose Execute (F8).
  3. To create a new query, enter a name for it, and choose the Create button.

What is the difference between MultiProvider and InfoSet?

An InfoSet builds up a data join of basic InfoProviders. A MultiProvider is a type of InfoProvider that combines data from a number of InfoProviders and makes it available for reporting purposes. The MultiProvider does not itself contain any data. Its data comes entirely from the InfoProviders on which it is based.

How do I edit InfoSet in SAP?


  1. On the InfoSet: Initial Screen screen, select InfoSet Further Functions Adjust . This takes you to the Log Display dialog box.
  2. Choose Adjust. The information from the data dictionary is copied over into the InfoSet.
  3. Choose Generate. Note.

What is ad hoc query example?

An ad hoc query does not reside in the computer or the database manager but is dynamically created depending on the needs of the data user. In SQL, an ad hoc query is a loosely typed command/query whose value depends upon some variable.

What is an ad hoc query?

An ad-hoc query is a tool that enables you to select, group, and list records that meet a set of conditions you define. It provides access to all of your data and helps you answer specific organizational questions. Ad-hoc queries are available in Query.

How do I create a SQVI query?

  1. Go to tcode SQVI and specify desired quickviewer name and create.
  2. A popup will appear than select ” table join” option in data source field and enter.
  3. Go to menu bar edit — > insert tables.
  4. If you want to insert a one more table follow the step 3.
  5. Go back and select the field which you want in available fields.

How do you create an automated report in SAP?


  1. Click Schedule Automated Report. The Automated Report window appears.
  2. Define your scheduling options with the following information: Description — Default system-generated report description.
  3. Select the Occurs time interval option to automatically schedule the report.
  4. Click Save.

What is an InfoSet?

Definition. Name for a particular type of InfoProvider: An InfoSet describes data sources that are usually defined as joins for ODS objects or InfoObjects (characteristics with master data). A time-dependent join or temporal join is a join that contains an InfoObject that is a time-dependent characteristic.

Where does the infoset data in SAP come from?

Infoset collects data from the tables of InfoProviders used to build it. Infoset describes data sources that are defined as a rule of join on Datastore objects, Info-objects or standard InfoCubes.

What is, create, joins in SAP Infoset?

SAP InfoSet Tutorial: What is, Create, Joins. Infoset is a special kind of Infoprovider which does not store data physically. In other words, Infoset are InfoProviders that logically join data and provide this data for BI queries. Infoset collects data from the tables of InfoProviders used to build it.

How are Infosets used in BI queries?

Infoset is a special kind of Infoprovider which does not store data physically. In other words, Infoset are InfoProviders that logically join data and provide this data for BI queries.

How are data store objects connected to Infosets?

DSO ( Data Store Objects) and/or InfoObjects (characteristics with master data) are connected in the InfoSet using join conditions. The joined data from the InfoSets are available for access from Business Explorer Queries.

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