Is craftsy a word?

Is craftsy a word?

(informal) Suggesting traditional handicraft.

What do you call a crafty person?

Some common synonyms of crafty are artful, cunning, foxy, slick, sly, tricky, and wily.

What does craftiness mean?

1 skill in achieving one’s ends through indirect, subtle, or underhanded means. other antique dealers envied her for her craftiness in getting people to sell their treasures for a song.

What does being artsy mean?

The definition of artsy is someone who is very involved in, and enthusiastic about, artistic endeavors, though it may also describe someone who is pretentious about their enthusiasm for the arts. An example of someone who is artsy is someone who shows constant interest in his sculpting and painting. adjective.

What does it mean artsy fartsy?

chiefly US, informal + disparaging. : pretentiously artistic : arty On the surface, it seems to be the year of bigger, more audience-friendly pictures, the triumph of the Hollywood majors over the artsy-fartsy indies.—

Is crafty an adjective?

adjective, craft·i·er, craft·i·est. skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly.

What is the meaning of a craftswoman?

1 : a woman who is an artisan. 2 : a woman who is skilled in a craft.

What does crafty mean in the Bible?

skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly.

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