What is articular disease?

What is articular disease?

Inflammatory articular diseases encompass a spectrum of conditions that range from acute forms of septic or sterile arthritis to chronic, often polyarticular conditions. They may involve inflammation of synovial tissue of joints and other tissues, such as muscles and tendons, mucosal and epithelial tissues, and organs.

What is articular rheumatism?

Inflammation of a joint or a state characterized by inflammation of the joints. Synonym(s): articular rheumatism.

What is the most severe type of arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis can be one of the most painful types of arthritis; it affects joints as well as other surrounding tissues, including organs. This inflammatory, autoimmune disease attacks healthy cells by mistake, causing painful swelling in the joints, like hands, wrists and knees.

What is extra-articular joint disease?

Extra-articular manifestations are all the conditions and symptoms which are not directly related to the locomotor system (2,4,5). Extra-articular RA is a serious condition, and rheumatoid arthritis patients with extra-articular manifestations should be aggressively treated and monitored (6).

What are the extra-articular features of rheumatoid arthritis?

The extra-articular manifestations of RA can occur at any age after onset. It is characterised by destructive polyarthritis and extra-articular organ involvement, including the skin, eye, heart, lung, renal, nervous and gastrointestinal systems.

Which type of arthritis is an autoimmune disease?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Normally, your immune system helps protect your body from infection and disease. In rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system attacks healthy tissue in your joints. It can also cause medical problems with your heart, lungs, nerves, eyes and skin.

What is the most common extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis?

Occasionally, there are also systemic manifestations such as vasculitis, visceral nodules, Sjögren’s syndrome, or pulmonary fibrosis present. Nodules are the most common extra-articular feature, and are present in up to 30%; many of the other classic features occur in 1% or less in normal clinic settings.

What is the most common extra-articular manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis?

The most common extra-articular manifestations are represented by uveitis, bowel disease, heart, lung, skin, bone and kidney involvement.

What are the signs of arthritis?

The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis involve the joints. Depending on the type of arthritis you have, your signs and symptoms may include: Pain. Stiffness. Swelling. Redness. Decreased range of motion.

What do you need to know about monoarticular rheumatoid arthritis?

What You Need to Know About Monoarticular Rheumatoid Arthritis – Health Guide Info. Monoarticular rheumatoid arthritis is a form of rheumatoid arthritis, which is an often painful inflammatory disorder of the joints, that strikes only a single joint in a particular individual. Read on to learn more about this specific form of rheumatoid arthritis, including its common causes, symptoms, how it is diagnosed, and its recommended treatments.

What is the difference between arthritis and rheumatism?

One of the main differences between arthritis and rheumatism is the conditions that they describe. “Arthritis” is a term used to describe conditions that mainly affect the joints, and “rheumatism” is used to describe conditions that mainly affect the connective tissues surrounding the bones and joints.

Does arthritis cause joint pain?

Both forms of arthritis, the rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can cause joint pain. Joint pain which is caused by rheumatoid arthritis is usually characterized by inflammation, pain, and fluid buildup in the joints. Joints pain which is caused by arthritis results to cartilage breakdown.

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