What does dispensable mean?

What does dispensable mean?

: capable of being dispensed with.

What is the difference between disposable and dispensable?

As adjectives the difference between dispensable and disposable. is that dispensable is able to be done without; able to be expended; easily replaced while disposable is that can be disposed of.

How do you use dispensable?

capable of being dispensed with or done without.

  1. Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.
  2. Part-time workers are considered dispensable.
  3. A garage is useful but dispensable.
  4. All those people in the middle are dispensable.
  5. They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.

What is dispensable in Tagalog?

Translation for word Dispensable in Tagalog is : hindi sapilitan.

Can a person be dispensable?

If someone or something is dispensable they are not really needed. All those people in the middle are dispensable.

What is the opposite of quarantine?

Opposite of to isolate in or as if in quarantine. integrate. combine. desegregate. free.

What is the root word of dispensable?

The earliest definition of this word was “subject to dispensation,” from the Latin dispensare, “disburse or distribute,” although by the 1640s dispensable meant “that which can be done without.”

What is the meaning of the Filipino child is not dispensable?

With the absence of a juvenile justice system, this means that children in conflict with the law (CICLs) as young as 12 will be susceptible to the same judgment and punishment under the law as 30- and 40-year-olds. …

dispensable – capable of being dispensed with or done without; “dispensable items of personal property”. unnecessary, unneeded – not necessary. indispensable – not to be dispensed with; essential; “foods indispensable to good nutrition”.

What does dispensableness mean?

Dispensableness meaning The quality of being dispensable.

What is the meaning of dispensation?

Definition of dispensation 1a : a general state or ordering of things specifically : a system of revealed (see reveal entry 1 sense 1) commands and promises regulating human affairs a privilege maintained under the new dispensation

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