What was Sonic X last episode?

What was Sonic X last episode?

So Long Sonic
Sonic X/Latest episode
“So Long Sonic” is the seventy-eighth and final episode of the anime series, Sonic X. It first aired on 18 April 2005 and 6 May 2006 in France and the United States, respectively.

Did Sonic X Get Cancelled?

The developers of this game were in X-treme pain! Sonic X-Treme is a cancelled platform game planned for the Sega Saturn. It was meant to be Sonic the Hedgehog’s official jump to 3D; however, the game was cancelled after an enormous amount of development troubles and mental health issues.

Will there be a Sonic X Season 4?

Sonic X, Season 4 is the fourth season in the series, where Sonic & friends go back to earth.

Will Sonic X come back in 2021?

Sonic X isn’t coming back, the voice actors no longer have contracts with the people involved with the translation of the show, but doesn’t necessarily mean another series (revolving more around the games story and characters) shouldn’t be made 🙂 (Now how do I put my name at the end of my post/edit?)

What episode does Sonic turn dark?

Dark Sonic is Sonic’s darker and angrier (and possibly murderous) form. His first and only appearance was in the sixty-seventh episode of the TV show Sonic X when Cosmo is scared and Chris is injured by Black Narcissus of the Metarex.

How many episodes are there in Sonic X?

Sonic X is an anime series based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. It originally ran consecutively on Sundays from April 6, 2003 to March 28, 2004 with a total of 52 episodes (collectively known as the Japanese “Series 1”).

Did Sonic X end?

” So Long Sonic ” is the seventy-eighth and final episode of the anime series, Sonic X. It first aired on 18 April 2005 and 6 May 2006 in France and the United States, respectively.

How many seasons of Sonic X are there?

Sonic X aired in Japan on TV Tokyo’s 8:30 a.m. time slot from April 6, 2003 to March 28, 2004. It consisted of three seasons, each of them 26 half-hour episodes long.

What happened to Cosmo from Sonic X?

Cosmo first appeared in episode 53 of Sonic X. Her former home world was destroyed by the Metarex before she was born and she was raised on a space colony. She lived peacefully there until the Metarex came and began to destroy her new home including her family (including her mother, Hertia).

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