Is misfit a correct word?

Is misfit a correct word?

verb (used with or without object), mis·fit·ted, mis·fit·ting. to fit badly. something that fits badly, as a garment that is too large or too small.

What is a misfit in writing?

noun. 1A person whose behaviour or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way. ‘a motley collection of social misfits’

What do you call a misfit?

A person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way. eccentric. individualist. maverick. oddball.

What is social misfit?

social misfit in British English (ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmɪsˌfɪt) a person who does not conform to others’ views of what is normal or acceptable in society.

What is the opposite of Misfit?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for misfit. adherent, follower, supporter.

Whats the opposite of a misfit?

What makes a person a misfit?

Word forms: misfits A misfit is a person who is not easily accepted by other people, often because their behavior is very different from that of everyone else. I have been made to feel a social and psychological misfit for not wanting children.

How do I stop being a misfit?

To avoid the anguish of being a misfit, protect yourself by doing these three things.

  1. Know Where you Thrive. Drill down further and think about what you need most from a manager to be your best.
  2. Pre-Assess for Personal Fit. Your job is to see which company or position would be a good fit for you.
  3. Watch Out for Misfit.

What do you call a social misfit?

A social misfit is generally thought of as someone who doesn’t fit in with most others in society. There are a variety of ways in which the term is used and the social misfit definition can mean different things to people. Generally, the term social misfit refers to someone who does not fit in—an outcast, if you will.

What does odd ball mean?

noun. a person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming, especially one having beliefs that are unusual but harmless. adjective. whimsically free-spirited; eccentric; atypical: an oddball scheme.

Which is the best definition of the word misfit?

Definition of misfit 1 : something that fits badly 2 : a person who is poorly adapted to a situation or environment social misfits Examples of misfit in a Sentence

Which is the closest competitor to the misfit?

The Fitbit, Nike Fuelband, and Misfit Shine are its closest competitors. Every winter he has a bunch of misfit dogs, and out of the outfit he’ll get some smart ones that will train well. That evening after dinner, without a word of explanation to her husband, Nannie walked off to the house of her cousin, Mr. Misfit.

Who is the Wraith in the movie misfit?

— Ew Staff,, 10 May 2021 Played by Nepal-born, British actress Amita Suman, Inej is known as the Wraith, a silent agile spy among her cohort of Dregs, a misfit crew of criminals who embark on a heist with their leader, Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter).

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