What is the texture of Kyrie by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina?

What is the texture of Kyrie by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina?

The texture of this setting of the Mass Ordinary. Although this piece is polyphonic, it demonstrates the potential for achieving this with its simple, well-balanced counterpoint.

Can you describe the Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina?

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina ( c. 1525 – 2 February 1594) was an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition.

What is the era Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina?

Palestrina lived during the period of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation and was a primary representative of the 16th-century conservative approach to church music.

What was Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina known for?

Introduction. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c. 1525–2 February 1594) was an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition.

What was the title of the book Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina written for the Catholic Church?

Pope Marcellus Mass, Latin Missa Papae Marcelli, mass by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the best known of his more than 100 masses. Published in 1567, the work is renowned for its intricate interplay of vocal lines and has been studied for centuries as a prime example of Renaissance polyphonic choral music.

Is Kyrie eleison monophonic?

Like all medieval chant, this Kyrie was performed monophonically, in unison and with a free meter.

Why was Palestrina so important?

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was an Italian composer of the Renaissance. He was the most famous 16th century representative of the Roman School of musical composition. Palestrina had a vast influence on the development of Roman Catholic church music, and his work can be seen as a summation of Renaissance polyphony.

Why was Palestrina important for sacred music?

Known particularly for his masses and motets, he became a model for later composers when writing sacred music. Legend says that Palestrina saved polyphony (music with more than one voice part of equal importance) from condemnation by the church council when he composed his Pope Marcellus Mass.

Why was Palestrina important to the Catholic Church?

What was the title given to Palestrina during the Renaissance?

From 1566 to 1570 he was music director for Cardinal Ippolito II d’Este (1509–1572), an outstanding patron of the arts. In 1571 Palestrina was reappointed choirmaster at the Julian Chapel. Seven years later he was given the title of master of music at Saint Peter’s, a position he held for the rest of his life.

Is Kyrie eleison melismatic?

Kyries come from Greek traditions and are sung in Greek instead of Latin….Anonymous: Kyrie IV (before 1000)

Kyrie Eleison 0:00 Small group of soloists sing melismatic line of music (a) in unison.
Christe Eleison Third repeat is omitted
Kyrie Eleison 1:10 Small group sings longer melismatic melody (c) in unison.

What is the performance of Kyrie eleison?

An acclamation, immediately following the penitential rite in the Roman Rite of the Mass, which praises the Lord and implores his mercy (General Instruction of Roman Missal, 30). In the Roman Rite, the text comprises two basic invocations: “Kyrie eleison” (Lord, have mercy) and “Christe eleison” (Christ, have mercy).

What are the opening words of Kyrie in Palestrina?

But then, it comes, as tangible as a beam of light piercing the windows: Kyrie eleison, Christi eleison, Kyrie eleison —Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy—the opening words of the mass, shared by faithful and cynic alike. Here they are, in the setting of Palestrina’s famous Missa Papae Marcelli (t he Kyrie runs to 4:45.):

What are the opening words of Kyrie eleison?

Perhaps you cynically contrast the church’s flawless ornamentation to its actual condition. But then, it comes, as tangible as a beam of light piercing the windows: Kyrie eleison, Christi eleison, Kyrie eleison —Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy—the opening words of the mass, shared by faithful and cynic alike.

What kind of music did Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina compose?

…attention to the works of Giovanni da Palestrina, an Italian Renaissance composer. From Rome he proceeded to Vienna, where a mass and requiem, composed in Italy, were performed in 1842 and 1843. …Missa Papae Marcelli, mass by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the best known of his more than 100 masses.

How did Palestrina come to the rescue of music?

It is said that at this point in the deliberations, a composer and singer in the Pope’s exclusive schola cantorum, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, came to the rescue of music. The legend recounts that Palestrina composed a Mass for Pope Marcellus that redeemed the art of music in the eyes of the church.

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