Which antipsychotic causes galactorrhea?

Which antipsychotic causes galactorrhea?

The APDs that were most frequently imputed alone for inducing galactorrhea were risperidone (52 cases and 0.19% of all exposed inpatients), amisulpride (30 resp. 0.48%), and olanzapine (13 resp. 0.05%). In three cases, quetiapine had a prominent role as a probable cause for galactorrhea.

Which antipsychotic causes hyperprolactinemia?

Risperidone. Risperidone is one of the atypical antipsychotics most likely to induce hyperprolactinemia. This drug is used for the treatment of schizofrenia, bipolar disturb, acute mania, dementia, Tourette syndrome and autism. Risperidone has a dose-dependent serotonin and dopamine antagonistic action.

Which antipsychotic has least effect on prolactin?

Most atypical antipsychotic medications do not elevate serum prolactin levels, in contrast to risperidone which is the exception and leads to a significant increase of prolactin, to a level similar to older antipsychotics [3, 9].

Can antipsychotics causing galactorrhea?

Conventional antipsychotics, risperidone, zotepine, and amisulpride are known to elevate prolactin more than other atypical antipsychotic medications. The median time to onset of galactorrhea is 20 days (range, 7–75 days) after commencement of an antipsychotic medication.

Why do antipsychotics cause hyperprolactinemia?

Typical antipsychotics block dopamine inhibition of the pituitary and cause prolactin rise. Secretion of prolactin by the pituitary is under inhibitory control via dopamine from the hypothalamus. Interference with dopamine secretion or action leads to an increase in serum prolactin.

What antipsychotic medications are generally considered high risk and low risk for hyperprolactinemia?

First-generation antipsychotics pose the greatest risk of causing this adverse effect; however, second-generation antipsychotics, particularly risperidone and paliperidone, also often increase prolactin secretion.

Do all antipsychotics cause hyperprolactinemia?

Which of the following atypical antipsychotics has the highest risk of increasing hyperprolactinemia?

3.0 Antipsychotic Association with Hyperprolactinaemia All antipsychotics have the potential to raise prolactin. All typical antipsychotics are associated with hyperprolactinaemia to varying degrees. Of the atypicals, the highest prevalence is with risperidone.

What medications can cause galactorrhea?

Possible causes of galactorrhea include:

  • Medications, such as certain sedatives, antidepressants, antipsychotics and high blood pressure drugs.
  • Opioid use.
  • Herbal supplements, such as fennel, anise or fenugreek seed.
  • Birth control pills.
  • A noncancerous pituitary tumor (prolactinoma) or other disorder of the pituitary gland.

Which drugs causes hyperprolactinemia?

The medications that most commonly cause hyperprolactinemia are antipsychotic agents; however, some newer atypical antipsychotics do not cause this condition. Other classes of medications that cause hyperprolactinemia include antidepressants, antihypertensive agents, and drugs that in- crease bowel motility.

Why does verapamil cause hyperprolactinemia?

In them we demonstrate that the increase in PRL due to verapamil is due to decreased tuberoinfundibular generation of DA and that the effect is specific to the phenylalkylamine class of calcium channel blockers, suggesting mediation by N-type cal- cium channels.

What medication causes galactorrhea?

How are antipsychotics used to treat hyperprolactinemia?

Antipsychotics may block dopamine receptors in the pituitary prolactin-secreting cells and prevent dopamine-induced reduction of prolactin release. The magnitude of the increase in prolactin concentration correlates with the amount of antipsychotic drug given.

Is there any further treatment for normoprolactinemic galactorrhea?

In patients with normoprolactinemic galactorrhea, no further evaluation (i.e., additional hormone testing and magnetic resonance imaging) is needed. Treatment of hyperprolactinemia should be targeted primarily to correct the cause (e.g., treatment of hypothyroidism, replacement or discontinuation of offending medications).

What are the side effects of hyperprolactinemia?

Hyperprolactinemia can result in galactorrhea, amenorrhea, irregular menses, and anovulation; in men, impotence and azoospermia, with … The effects of individual psychotropic medications on serum prolactin concentrations are described, and recommendations for dealing with adverse effects are provided.

When to use magnetic resonance imaging for hyperprolactinemia?

If a cause for hyperprolactinemia cannot be found by history, examination, and routine laboratory testing, an intracranial lesion might be the cause and brain magnetic resonance imaging with specific pituitary cuts and intravenous contrast media should be performed.

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