What is a cow alley?

What is a cow alley?

A cattle chute (North America) or cattle race (Australia, British Isles and New Zealand) also called a run or alley, is a narrow corridor built for cattle and other animals to travel through when being herded from one location to another that is nearby.

What is the with of a cattle alleyway be?

For most cattle, an alley width of 28 inches at the top and 16 inches at the bottom works well on an alley 60 inches tall. Increase this width for large breeds and bulls.

How long should a cattle alley be?

Build working alleys at least 20 feet long. Shorter alleys cause delays in getting cattle to the working area. If you normally work cattle by yourself, an alley should be able to hold at least three animals for efficient labor utilization.

What size should a calving pen be?

3.5m by 4.8m
The minimum dimensions of a calving pen must not be less than 3.5m by 4.8m, while the maximum dimensions must not exceed 6m, according to these specifications. Access to calving pens must be either from directly outside the building or from a suitable passage within the building.

How wide is an alley?

The minimum roadway widths for alleys shall be 15 feet in the residential area and 20 feet in the business area.

What height should a calving gate be?

1.5m high
The calving gate shall be a minimum of 1.5m high above ground level and shall be securely held in place.

What is the best bedding for calves?

Straw is the best choice of bedding to provide thermal insulation for the young calf. Straw tends to hold moisture, so it is important to add fresh bedding regularly. Moisture exceeding 20 percent is too high.

What should the width of a cattle Alley be?

“The width of [the] alley varies depending on the size of cattle being processed. It should be side enough for cattle to move forward without much resistance but not wide enough for them to turn around” – Dr. Justin Rhinehart, University of Tennessee Extension

Why do you need Alley gates for cattle?

Place Alley Gates Strategically Well-placed “sliding gates so animals can’t back up make it safer when working around cattle”, as they prevent cattle backing and control movement through your handling system – Cody Creelman, Veterinarian 6. Keep your Width in Check

How to keep cattle from backing up in Alley?

Use Back-Stops to Your Advantage Spring loaded, back-stop [s are] useful to prevent cattle from backing up” and rearing up in the alley – Rory Lewandowski, Ohio State University Extension 5. Place Alley Gates Strategically

What kind of Hitch does Daniels alleyway have?

The portable version features a side swing goose-neck hitch for quick and easy setup. The Daniels Alleyway is so easy to use that combined with proper low-stress cattle handling techniques, cattle will voluntarily go through backwards! Click to Watch the Video

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