How much does a divorce cost in Florida with a lawyer?

How much does a divorce cost in Florida with a lawyer?

On average, Florida divorce lawyers charge a minimum of $260 per hour and a maximum of $330. Average total costs for divorce lawyers range from $11,000- to 14,000 but are typically much lower in cases with no contested issues.

How does divorce in Florida work?

Florida is one of the many states that have abolished fault as a ground for dissolution of marriage. The only requirement to dissolve a marriage is for one of the parties to prove that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Either spouse can file for the dissolution of marriage.

Is Florida a 50 50 state in a divorce?

Under Florida divorce law, all marital property is subject to an equitable distribution. Typically, the court will divide marital property 50/50, unless there are reasons why an equal split would be inequitable (unfair).

Can you get divorce in Florida without going to court?

Florida divorce law provides a process called a ‘Simplified Dissolution of Marriage. ‘ Couples can use this to get a quick divorce, about 30 days from filing to finalization, as long as they have complete agreement on the terms of the divorce and it’s uncontested.

Is Florida a 50 50 state when it comes to divorce?

How long do you have to be separated before divorce in FL?

However, the courts in Florida know that reconciliation is a possibility in many cases, so a waiting period is required to give spouses substantial time to determine a divorce is what they really want. In Florida, a 20 days waiting period is required following the filing of the divorce.

Who gets the house in a Florida divorce?

The General Property Rule In Florida, property is divided 50-50 if it is considered “marital property” – or property that was acquired by either spouse during the marriage. Non-marital property, which is property either spouse acquired before the marriage, is not divided equally.

How long does a Florida divorce take?

An uncontested divorce can take as little as four to five weeks. If the matter is contested — that is, the court must decide any of these issues — it can take six months or longer. In counties where the courts are extremely busy, it can easily take a year or more.

Is online divorce legal in Florida?

Florida allows the use of online divorce services to complete the paperwork required for an uncontested divorce. Other types of divorce may require the help of a divorce attorney.

Can my husband kick me out of the house we own?

Legally, it’s her home, too—even if it’s only his name on the mortgage, deed, or lease. It doesn’t matter whether you rent or own, your spouse can’t just kick you out of the marital residence.

How much does it cost to get a divorce in West Palm Beach?

The national average divorce cost typically runs between $15,000 and $30,000. Most attorneys in West Palm Beach charge an hourly rate. The average cost for divorce lawyers is $260 an hour, but that price ranges from $150 to $450 or more an hour, depending on the attorney’s experience.

Why do you need a divorce lawyer in Florida?

Divorce is still relatively common, however, and there is a wide range of local attorneys at different price points to choose from. A good divorce lawyer makes a significant impact in your case’s outcome, making it more likely to receive favorable results in child custody, asset division and alimony payments.

Is it expensive to get a divorce in Florida?

It is the most expensive and time-consuming alternative, but it can still provide a favorable outcome with the right attorney. Florida’s no-fault divorce status and streamlined processes help keep the cost of divorce below the national average.

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