What is the difference between molasses and sorghum molasses?

What is the difference between molasses and sorghum molasses?

They have different production methods. Sorghum syrup is made from the green juice of the sorghum plant, which is extracted from the crushed stalks and then heated to steam off the excess water leaving the syrup behind. Conversely, molasses is the by-product of processing sugar cane into sugar.

Is sorghum molasses bad?

Sorghum syrup is also a healthier alternative sweetener. It has a slightly lower glycemic index than refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup, meaning that it will not spike blood sugar levels as drastically as its more highly processed counterparts.

Can sorghum replace molasses in a recipe?

In baking recipes that call for molasses, substitute sorghum but reduce the sugar by 1/3. This should be done because sorghum is sweeter than molasses. Under most circumstances the best results are obtained by replacing 50% to 75% of the sugar with sorghum.

Which is better for you sorghum or molasses?

Which is healthier sorghum or molasses? Sorghum syrup is still a sweetener, and it actually has more calories per tablespoon than molasses, maple syrup, or white sugar and about equal to honey. If you’re diabetic or need to avoid blood sugar spikes, sorghum is not a safe alternative sweetener.

How do you make sorghum molasses?


  1. Cut the canes off about 6 inches from the ground. These need to be juiced.
  2. It takes about 10 gallons of juice to make a gallon of molasses.
  3. As the juice simmers, you’ll notice a foam starting to form on the top.
  4. When the juice is reduced to about 10% (1 gallon from 10 gallons), it’s ready to can.

Why is sorghum bad for you?

The biggest health risk of sorghum is tied to its potential as an allergen. Allergies associated with grasses and grass pollen are extremely common. Unfortunately, Sorghum is a grass and is known to produce an allergic reaction in some people.

What are the side effects of blackstrap molasses?

Side effects Also, molasses can cause digestive problems. Consuming large amounts may cause loose stools or diarrhea. People with irritable bowel syndrome or other forms of digestive discomfort may want to avoid this syrup. Bottom line: Molasses is usually safe, but consume it in moderation.

How do I substitute blackstrap molasses for regular molasses?

Determine how much light molasses the recipe requires. Divide this measurement in half. For example, if the recipe calls for 1 cup of light molasses, divide this in half to 1/2 cup.

Does molasses go bad?

Unopened jars of molasses should be stored in a cool, dry, dark location and will last for up to one year. Heat and humidity are the biggest threats to molasses; both can cause bacteria to grow into mold.

What temperature do you cook molasses?

Bring the sugar, molasses, water, and vinegar to a boil in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook and stir until the sugar has reached the hard ball stage, 250 to 265 degrees F (121 to 129 degrees C), or until a small amount of syrup dropped into cold water forms a rigid ball.

How do you make molasses from Sorghum seed?

Cooking molasses from sorghum is pretty labor intensive and it typically involves a lot of people and a day or two of hard work. The process involves cutting and stacking sorghum, peeling off the exterior leaves and cutting off the seed heads, extracting the juice from the sorghum, cooking the juice, canning the molasses, and cleaning up.

What do you do with spent sorghum juice?

The spent sorghum still has a lot of sugar in it, and it’s been “tenderized” by the rollers so it all gets collected and used for animal feed later on. This is the cookhouse where the sorghum juice is rendered into molasses. This building is really old, and really hot.

Where does the syrup for sorghum come from?

Sorghum syrup is made from the green juice of the sorghum plant, which is extracted from the crushed stalks and then heated to steam off the excess water leaving the syrup behind.

What’s the difference between first and Second molasses?

When molasses undergoes its first boiling and the sugar crystals are removed, the result is called “first molasses,” which is its sweetest form. “Second molasses,” which is consderiably milder, is created from a second boiling and then “backstrap” is the result of a third boiling. It’s considered bittersweet.

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