Is EOS a good lip balm?

Is EOS a good lip balm?

EOS is wonderful lip balm. I didn’t have any problems with allergic reactions like the girl on the news who sued EOS so I think overall, you don’t need to worried about that. It made my lips smooth and well moisturized. A huge bonus was that it lasted for a long time and I didn’t need to reapply very often.

Is eos or Burt’s Bees better?

Burts Bees is on the drier, rougher side when applied. These go on smooth and glossy. Burts Bees also sometimes leaves a white tint to my lips, where as these just leave them looking clear and glossy but still natural and hydrated. EOS is also a stickier, drier lip balm, in my opinion.

How long is Eos lip balm good for?

For any lip product, we recommend using it for only a year after it’s been opened. Expired chapstick can have bacteria and fungus, which can cause skin issues and irritation, especially if your skin is sensitive.

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