Was Major John Andre a real person?

Was Major John Andre a real person?

John André, (born May 2, 1750, London, England—died October 2, 1780, Tappan, New York, U.S.), British army officer who negotiated with the American general Benedict Arnold and was executed as a spy during the American Revolution (1775–83).

Who betrayed John Andre?

Benedict Arnold accomplice hanged. Thirty-year-old British Major John Andre is hanged as a spy by U.S. military forces in Tappan, New York, on October 2, 1780.

What was John Paul Jones role in the American Revolution?

John Paul Jones was a Revolutionary War hero known as the father of the U.S. Navy. When the American Revolution broke out, Jones sided with the colonists and joined the Continental Navy, with his greatest victory coming from his against-all-odds defeat of the British warship Serapis in 1779.

Who was John Andre a spy for?

2, 1780, who was found within the American lines in the Character of a Spy, 1783. During the American Revolution, British Major John André joined with American General Benedict Arnold in a scheme to secure British control over the American fortification at West Point, New York.

Why was Andre hanged?

John André (2 May 1750/1751 – 2 October 1780) was a major in the British Army and head of its Secret Service in America during the American Revolutionary War. He was hanged as a spy by the Continental Army for assisting Benedict Arnold’s attempted surrender of the fort at West Point, New York, to the British.

Who did George Washington have hanged?

Thomas Hickey
[7] Warrant for the execution of Thomas Hickey, at Headquarters, New-York, June 28, 1776, from George Washington. [8] General Orders, Headquarters, New-York, June 27, 1776 (“Thomas Hickey… [to] be hanged to-morrow at eleven o’clock”)

Who was Benedict Arnold’s wife?

Peggy Shippenm. 1779–1801
Margaret Mansfieldm. 1767–1775
Benedict Arnold/Wife

How did Benjamin Franklin contribute to the Revolutionary War?

During the American Revolution, he served in the Second Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He also negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary War (1775-83).

Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty?

Samuel Adams
The Sons’ most prominent leader was Samuel Adams, the son of a wealthy brewer who was more interested in radical rabble-rousing than commerce. Adams wrote his masters thesis at Harvard on the lawfulness of resisting British rule.

Who was the traitor during the Revolutionary War?

Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold Is America’s Most Famous Traitor. But You Probably Don’t Know His Whole Story. Illustration showing Major General Benedict Arnold (1741 – 1801) rallying the American troops and performing heroically during the Battle of Saratoga, during the American Revolutionary War, Oct. 7, 1777.

Who is William Demont?

American traitor. Pennsylvania. Born in England, Demont settled in Pennsylvania before the Revolution. Commissioned ensign in the Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion on 6 January 1776, he became regimental adjunct to Colonel Robert Magaw, commander of Fort Washington, on 29 September.

Who had the most kills in the Revolutionary War?

stands out as the most costly battle of the war. Approximately 1,050 continental troops were killed and wounded, while the British suffered 314 casualties.

Who was involved in the American Revolutionary War?

The American Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, was a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen British colonies in North American. Home Battles 1775 to 1783

Who was General Sullivan in the Revolutionary War?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. American judge and general. John Sullivan (February 17, 1740 – January 23, 1795) was an Irish-American General in the Revolutionary War, a delegate in the Continental Congress, Governor of New Hampshire and a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire.

What did John Laurens do in the Revolutionary War?

John Laurens. Jump to navigation Jump to search. John Laurens (October 28, 1754 – August 27, 1782) was an American soldier and statesman from South Carolina during the American Revolutionary War, best known for his criticism of slavery and his efforts to help recruit slaves to fight for their freedom as U.S. soldiers.

Where can I find information about the Revolutionary War?

Using Revolutionary War Pension Files to Find Family Information , a Prologue article, by Jean Nudd. Final Pension Payment Records at the National Archives in Washington, DC. Pictures of the Revolutionary War, selected pictures among the audiovisual holdings of the National Archives.

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