What is the correct order of examination of the abdomen?

What is the correct order of examination of the abdomen?

Assessing your patient’s abdomen can provide critical information about his internal organs. Always follow this sequence: inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation.

What are the steps to abdominal examination?


  1. Inspection. The abdomen is inspected by positioning the patient supine on an examining table or bed.
  2. Auscultation. The patient is positioned comfortably in the supine position as described in Inspection.
  3. Palpation and Percussion.

What is the first step in physical examination?

In medical terms, “inspection” means to look at the person or body part. It is the first step in a physical exam.

What three movements should you look for when inspecting the abdomen?

There are three stages of palpation that include superficial or light palpation, deep palpation, and organ palpation and should be performed in the same order. Maneuvers specific to certain diseases are also a part of abdominal palpation.

What are the steps in abdominal assessment?

The abdominal examination is conventionally split into four different stages: first, inspection of the patient and the visible characteristics of their abdomen. Auscultation (listening) of the abdomen with a stethoscope. Palpation of the patient’s abdomen. Finally, percussion (tapping) of the patient’s abdomen and abdominal organs.

What is abdominal examination?

An abdominal examination is a portion of the physical examination which a physician or nurse uses to clinically observe the abdomen of a patient for signs of disease.

What is an abdominal assessment?

ab·dom·i·nal as·sess·ment. (ab-dom’i-năl ă-ses’mĕnt) The appraisal of the abdomen by a health care provider. The assessment is conducted in a predetermined order: inspection, auscultation, and palpation.

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