What are some examples of external validity?

What are some examples of external validity?

External validity is another name for the generalizability of results, asking “whether a causal relationship holds over variation in persons, settings, treatments and outcomes.”1 A classic example of an external validity concern is whether traditional economics or psychology lab experiments carried out on college …

Is population valid external?

The two types of external validity are population validity (whether you can generalize to other groups of people) and ecological validity (whether you can generalize to other situations and settings).

What is meant by population validity?

the degree to which study results from a sample can be generalized to a larger target group of interest (the population). For example, consider an educational researcher wishing to characterize the academic motivation of students.

What is an example of ecological validity?

For example, in a simulator assessment of driving, a study in which a participant drove with a steering wheel would have more ecological validity than one in which the participant drove by moving the cursor of a computer with a mouse.

What is an example of external validity in psychology?

the extent to which the results of research or testing can be generalized beyond the sample that generated them. For example, if research has been conducted only with male participants, it cannot be assumed that similar results will apply to female participants.

Which kind of sample is best for external validity?

— In terms of external validity, the best sample is a representative sample — one in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.

Are statistics valid?

Statistical Validity is the extent to which the conclusions drawn from a statistical test are accurate and reliable. To achieve statistical validity, researchers must have an adequate sample size and pick the right statistical test to analyze the data.

What makes good external validity?

External validity helps to answer the question: can the research be applied to the “real world”? If your research is applicable to other experiments, settings, people, and times, then external validity is high. If the research cannot be replicated in other situations, external validity is low.

How do you establish external validity?

How can we improve external validity? One way, based on the sampling model, suggests that you do a good job of drawing a sample from a population. For instance, you should use random selection, if possible, rather than a nonrandom procedure.

Is external validity the same as ecological validity?

External validity examines whether the study findings can be generalized to other contexts. Ecological validity examines, specifically, whether the study findings can be generalized to real-life settings; thus ecological validity is a subtype of external validity.

What is external validity in a research study?

External validity refers to how well the outcome of a study can be expected to apply to other settings. In other words, this type of validity refers to how generalizable the findings are. Ecological validity, an aspect of external validity, refers to whether a study’s findings can be generalized to the real world.

Which is the best definition of external validity?

External validity involves the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized (applied) beyond the sample. In other words, can you apply what you found in your study to other people (population validity) or settings (ecological validity).

How is a carefully matched sample said to have external validity?

or a carefully matched sample is said to have external validity. A non-random sample reduces the external validity of the study. research is done on the patients one sees in the clinic, this is a non-random sample that is not representative of a larger population and will not generalize. Because it will not

Can a study have no internal or external validity?

Also, a study can have good internal validity, but without a generalizable sample, it may have no external validity. Finally, remember that a study with no external validity still found true relationships for the sample that was studied.

Which is the best description of population validity?

Population Validity. Population validity is a type of external validity which describes how well the sample used can be extrapolated to a population as a whole. It evaluates whether the sample population represents the entire population, and also whether the sampling method is acceptable. For example, an educational study…

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