How do you make a motion blur in nuke?

How do you make a motion blur in nuke?

Select Filter > VectorBlur to insert a VectorBlur node after a 2D image that contains motion vector channels. In the VectorBlur properties, use the channels dropdown menu to select the channels to blur. Select the motion vector channels from the uv channels dropdown menu.

What is 2D motion blur?

MotionBlur2D does not produce motion blur independently. It actually collates UV motion information from the 2D transf input (for example, a Transform node) to output UV vectors down the node tree to a VectorBlur node, producing motion blur based on these vectors.

What is keying in nuke?

Image-based keying requires two nodes in Nuke. First, you insert an IBKColour node to process the screen image, which is preset to work with either greenscreen or bluescreen. This node generates the processed screen image that preserves the color variations in your blue- or greenscreen.

What is motion vector in video compression?

In video compression, a motion vector is the key element in the motion estimation process. motion vector: a two-dimensional vector used for inter prediction that provides an offset from the coordinates in the decoded picture to the coordinates in a reference picture.

Does motion blur increase FPS?

Does Motion Blur Improve FPS? Motion blur wasn’t created to improve FPS, which is what some people will say. Instead, it was created to make games seem more realistic. If you run any game with the motion blur enabled, you will have a lower frame rate than you would if it were disabled.

How do you set a nuke key?

Nuke switches to autokey mode: when you change the parameters value at another frame, it automatically inserts another keyframe for you. You can also set a key for all the controls in a node. To do so, right-click on a node’s properties panel and select Set key on all knobs.

What is smart vector in nuke?

The Smart Vector toolset allows you to work on one frame in a sequence and then use motion vector information to accurately propagate work throughout the rest of the sequence. It can also be used for a number of things, from paint work to tracking, and beyond.

What are smart vectors?

Smart Vectors gave artists the ability to track images onto complex moving surfaces, doing so by generating motion vectors to push or warp an input image sequence across a range of frames. You may have seen the result of Smart Vectors in VFX shots such as blood spatter and wounds or in tattoo additions and removal.

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