When was Patrick star born?

When was Patrick star born?

August 17, 1984

Patrick Star
Hometown Bikini Bottom
Born August 17, 1984
Created 1996
Friends and Family

What is Sandy Cheeks birthday?

November 17
Biography. According to the SpongeBob SquarePants Annual 2014 book published by the Egmont Group, Sandy’s birthday is on November 17. She was born a twin, alongside Randy Cheeks, to Ma and Pa Cheeks in Houston, Texas, USA.

How old is SpongeBob Patrick?

Now, at different points in the series, it has been mentioned that SpongeBob and Patrick have known each other since they were babies, so Patrick must have been born in the same year, meaning he was also 13 years old when the series began.

Why is Patrick Star so dumb?

Starfish, for starters, don’t have a brain but have a complex nervous system, and that explains why Patrick is dumb. It was later revealed that SpongeBob grabbed a piece of brain coral instead of Patrick’s head, which they then put back into Patrick’s body, thus reverting to his dumb self.

Is Squidward a Capricorn?

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Squidward Tentacles Squidward Tentacles carries both the same stubborn personality and love of lavish lifestyles as does a Taurus.

How old is Patrick from SpongeBob?

Description Edit. Patrick is A 34 year old starfish who acts like a 2 year old, he has spongebob as a friend and Patrick Never reads and he Has promblems With his family, Patrick was Born June 7th 1975 and he is 36 years old, He never listens to anyone, when he was 12 years old, He Told his mom to barf on someones house when he was 12 years old,…

What color is Patrick Star pants?

Patrick is an overweight, coral-pink starfish with a pointy head, thick eyebrows, and red dots across in his body. In season 1, due to unsteady or cel-animation, his eyebrows were thin, and in the shape of a couple of M’s. The flowers on his pants were also dark purple instead of light.

How old is Patrick Star?

Patrick Star is a American Cartoon Character, who was born on 1 April, 1999 in Bikini Bottom . Age 18 years old.

Who is Patrick Star in SpongeBob SquarePants?

Patrick Star is a fictional character in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by actor Bill Fagerbakke and was created and designed by marine biologist and cartoonist Stephen Hillenburg .

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