What city is 42 degrees north latitude 83 degrees west longitude?

What city is 42 degrees north latitude 83 degrees west longitude?

Colchester is a small town that boasts a few restaurants and the only marina on the north shores of Lake Erie from Point Pelee to Detroit. It is approximately six kms from the confluence.

What state is 44 degrees north latitude and 89 degrees west longitude?

I had stood on 44 North several times before, from South Dakota on the west to Maine on the east, and on 89 West from Wisconsin to Mississippi….


What cities are at 42 degrees latitude?

United States

  • Crescent City, California.
  • Yreka, California.
  • Hartford, Connecticut.
  • Ames, Iowa.
  • Chicago, Illinois.
  • Kalamazoo, Michigan.
  • Coldwater, Michigan.
  • Erie, Pennsylvania.

What Canadian city is located at 42 N and 83 W?

The capital of Canada is Ottawa, which is with 45° 25′ N of latitude and 75° 40′ W of longitude . The time variation is signified by UTC-5….Latitude and Longitude of Canada.

Location Latitude Longitude
Amherstburg 42°06’N 83°06’W
AmAmisk L., 54°35’N 102°15’W
Amos 48°35’N 78°05’W
Amqui 48°28’N 67°27’W

How do you find latitude and longitude?

Android: Open Google Maps; it will zoom to your approximate location. Press and hold on the screen to drop a pin marker. Click on the dropped pin; latitude and longitude will be displayed below the map.

What city is 30 N and 90 W?

Where is 30n 90w?

Name : 30n 90w
District : Orleans
Locality : New Orleans
Sub-Locality : NA
Closest Address : Terminal Road, New Orleans, LA 70126, USA

What is 42 degrees south?

The 42nd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 42 degrees south of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean and South America….Around the world.

Co-ordinates Country, territory or ocean Notes
42°0′S 72°44′W Chile Los Lagos Region

What famous cape is located near 42 degrees north latitude 70 degrees west longitude?

14-Apr-2002 — This confluence sits about 1.3K off the coast of Cape Cod, in the Atlantic Ocean.

How do I find my latitude and longitude?

How to get latitude and longitude from address?

Latitude and longitude Finder GPS Coordinates Finder convert address to lat and long. Type in the address field and click on the Get GPS Coordinates button to lookup latitude and longitude from address. You will see the result on the map coordinates and in the Latitude Longitude fields.

What are the degrees of longitude and latitude?

The degree of the angle is between -90° and 90°. longitude and latitude coordinates are usually expressed in degrees and minutes. Every location consists of a latitude and longitude which is like an unique address for each point. By giving the latitude and longitude, we can track down exactly where someone is located.

When do you add the letter W to the longitude?

In their case, the letter W or E is added to the longitude to specify the position east-west from the Greenwich meridian, and the letter N or S to the latitude to designate the hemisphere (North or South).

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