What does rushed mean in UK slang?

What does rushed mean in UK slang?

rushed in British English 1. undertaken quickly or without much care; hurried.

What does rushed me mean?

1. noun, dated slang An exceptional or excessive lavishing of attention on someone, especially a woman, so as to woo them or gain their affections. verb, dated slang To attempt to woo (someone, especially a woman) with an exceptional or excessive lavishing of attention.

What does Rush mean sexually?

Welcome to a world where illicit sexual desire propels seemingly ordinary people to act out fantasies that can separate monotony from ecstasy…but also transform life into agonizing death!

What does rushed out mean?

: to produce (something) very quickly We had to rush the manuscript out so that it could be copied.

What is the sentence of rushed?

Rushed sentence example. I rushed to the front desk in a panic with Howie on my heels like a following puppy! “No,” she said then rushed on. Connor rushed him to get through the doorway before he could close it.

What does it mean if someone is rushing?

1 : to move forward or act very quickly or in a way that shows eagerness or the need to hurry Police rushed to the scene. 2 : to perform in a short time or at high speed Don’t rush your decision. 3 : to make (someone) act quickly Stop rushing me! 4 : to bring (someone) to a place quickly He was rushed to the hospital.

What does rushed him mean?

Are you rushing meaning?

9 verb If you rush something or someone, you move quickly and forcefully at them, often in order to attack them.

What word type is rushed?

adjective. /rʌʃt/ /rʌʃt/ Idioms. ​done too quickly or made to do something too quickly synonym hurried.

What is the synonym of rushed?

hurried, quickened, sped (up) (or speeded (up)), whisked.

What does rush up mean?

1 to hurry or cause to hurry; hasten. 2 to make a sudden attack upon (a fortress, position, person, etc.) 3 when intr, often foll by: at, in or into to proceed or approach in a reckless manner.

What does it mean to rush someone?

transitive to take or send someone or something somewhere in a hurry. rush someone to/into/off etc: Frank was rushed to hospital with violent stomach pains. We rushed the children off to school.

Which is the best dictionary definition of rushed?

Define rushed. rushed synonyms, rushed pronunciation, rushed translation, English dictionary definition of rushed. v. rushed , rush·ing , rush·es v. intr. 1. To move swiftly; hurry: rushed after the bus. 2. To act with great haste: rushed to finish the project. 3.

What does the word rush mean in football?

rush verb (AMERICAN FOOTBALL) [ I ] In American football, to rush is to carry the ball forward across the place on the field where play begins. Also, a member of the opposite team rushes when they force their way to the back of the field quickly to catch the player carrying the ball.

Where does the phrase ” I was rushed by Andrew ” come from?

” I was rushed by Andrew” In this case Andrew is from Russia, Therefore being Russian Andrew can Rush people, or infact be russhed himself. Get a Rushed mug for your brother Vivek.

What kind of plant is a rush plant?

: any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of the genera Juncus and Luzula of the family Juncaceae, the rush family) with cylindrical often hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats. rush.

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