What is Dosakaya English?

What is Dosakaya English?

Also known as Kankri or Khira in Hindi, Vellari in Malayalam, Dosekaya in Telugu, and Dosakaya, Dosakai cucumbers are extremely versatile and can be used as pickling and slicing cucumber.

What is keera vegetable English?

/khīrā/ mn. cucumber variable noun. A cucumber is a long dark green vegetable. /khira, khIrA, kheeraa, khīrā/

What is the name of Dondakaya?

Ivy gourd
List of Indian vegetables name

Ivy gourd or gherkins Tindora Dondakaya
Turnip Shalgam, shalzam Knool khol
Elephant yam Sooran, suran, jimikand Kanda
Potato Aloo, alu Bangaaladumpa

What we will call Sorakai in English?

Beerakaya in English Is Called as Ridgegourd You can confirm the vegetable by looking at the picture which is given below.

Is lemon cucumber same as Dosakaya?

Lemon Cucumber aka Dosakaya is a cherished vegetable in Andhra cuisine. Pachadi (Chutney), Pappu (Dal) and Avakai (Pickle) are the common preparations.

When should Dosakaya be picked?

Harvest dosakaya gourd around mid to late May. Dosakaya gourd grows best with 5 to 6 hours of sun, in a sunny spot. For a family of 4 plant 3 to 4 plants.

What is Mogri?

#Mogri {moongre} is a vegetable from the #Radish family. It is the radish pods that is edible. They are also used in stir fries, salads, and even cooked with jeera, hing, turmeric and potatoes to make for a healthy sabzi. They are also mixed in kadhi or any vegetable preparation.

Is Dosakaya good for diabetes?

Can diabetics eat cucumbers? Yes, if you have diabetes, you can eat cucumbers. In fact, since they’re so low in carbohydrates, you can almost eat as many as you want whenever you want.

What is bhaji called in English?

Onion Bhaji
A bhaji, also known as Onion Bhaji (British English), is an Indian appetiser that is made from spicy hot vegetable, sometimes fried similar to a fritter, originating from the Indian subcontinent, with several variants.

What is Tendli vegetable?

Tendli is also called tindora in Hindi. In english it is known as Ivy gourd. it is also known as kovakkai in tamil language. Tendli as I call it in my native language has been a regular vegetable at my mom’s place. she would make the tendli upkari – a Konkani recipe with chappatis and dal.

Is Ivy gourd bad for health?

When taken by mouth: Ivy gourd leaf is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth for up to 6 weeks.

How do you eat Dosaki?

Try using them as you would a zucchini or cucumber: Grill or stir fry them with a little balsamic glaze or soy sauce, or shred them to use in quick breads, fritters, chopped salads or slaw. Although they can be eaten raw, I prefer these little melons cooked.

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