What are the viva questions asked in physics class 12?

What are the viva questions asked in physics class 12?

Physics Practical viva-voce Questions-2019.

  • Examiner (E): What was the experiment allotted to you?
  • E: OK, Tell me the principle of a potentiometer?
  • E: Good.
  • E: What are the factors affecting internal resistance?
  • E: Good; how does the internal resistance change if we increase the area of electrodes?
  • How do I prepare for practical viva?

    Be prepared for viva type questions rather than descriptive questions. Be well prepared on atleast 2 or more chapters because examiners are likely to offer you with an option about the topic to start viva from. So be prepared for such juicy moments and don’t let go in vain.

    How do you get full marks in physics practical?

    How to get more marks in Physics Practical Exams?

    1. Complete the Practical Records.
    2. Complete the Project Report.
    3. Complete the record of activities.
    4. Know the Principle, formula, diagrams of all experiments done at school,
    5. Learn the precautions and sources of error of each experiment.

    What is viva in practical exam?

    A viva simply means a university examination during which students answer questions in speech and these questions are commonly based on a particular project or discipline.

    How do I prepare for my physics practical exam?

    Process for Physics Practical Exam Preparation

    1. Step 1: Know the type and structure of your practical exam.
    2. Step 2: Gain a mastery of essential scientific skills.
    3. Step 3: Know how to apply the skills for each part of the practical.
    4. Step 4: Practise your skills with various experiments.

    What is Ohm’s law class 12?

    Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and temperature remain constant.

    What language is viva voce?

    Viva voce derives from Medieval Latin, where it translates literally as “with the living voice.” In English it occurs in contexts, such as voting, in which something is done aloud for all to hear.

    How do you ace viva?

    10 Tips for Viva Success

    1. Calm Down and Breathe. Working yourself up is only going to make things worse, by stopping you sleeping, and making you ill.
    2. Do Something Fun.
    3. Believe in Yourself.
    4. Go in with a Good Attitude.
    5. Dress for Viva Success.
    6. Read Your Thesis.
    7. Know the Rules.
    8. Make a List of Your Own Corrections.

    Does anyone fail in practicals?

    You will definitely get passing marks. You teacher will give you passing marks. You may get less marks but you won’t fail. But in any case if you are not able to give your Practical, then you will be declared fail even if you get passing marks in your theory exams.

    What is practical of physics?

    Practical Physics is a collection of experiments that demonstrate a wide range of physical concepts and processes. Some of the experiments can be used as starting-points for investigations or for enhancement activities.

    What is Viva full form?

    VIVA. Very Impressive Vocational Achievement. University. VIVA. Vision Investment Vitality And Action.

    Who invented experimental physics?

    In the early 17th century, Galileo made extensive use of experimentation to validate physical theories, which is the key idea in the modern scientific method.

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