What is an indication for an amnioinfusion?

What is an indication for an amnioinfusion?

The most widely recognized indication for amnioinfusion is in labor, to reduce fetal distress due to variable decceleration associated with oligohydramnios and probable presence of thick meconium stained amniotic fluid.

When is amnioinfusion indicated?

It is primarily used as a treatment in order to correct fetal heart rate changes caused by umbilical cord compression, indicated by variable decelerations seen on cardiotocography. In severe cases of oligohydramnios, amnioinfusion may be performed prophylactically to prevent umbilical cord compression.

How often does amnioinfusion improve variable decelerations?

The frequency of variable decelerations after amnioinfusion was significantly lower at 4 to 9 cm dilation (2% vs 42%; P=. 003) and at 10 cm (6% vs 30%; P=. 008).

How amnioinfusion is done?

Amnioinfusion involves infusion of fluid by a needle inserted into the womb and the space surrounding the unborn baby, to increase the amount of amniotic fluid.

What is transabdominal amnioinfusion?

Transabdominal amnioinfusion in a procedure in which normal saline or lactated Ringer’s solution is infused into the uterus during pregnancy to replace the amniotic fluid in the case of premature rupture of membranes (PROM), usually at 24 to 34 weeks of gestation.

Which alteration in the FHR pattern would indicate the potential need for an amnioinfusion?

An amnioinfusion may be used to relieve pressure on an umbilical cord that has not prolapsed. The FHR pattern associated with this situation most likely will reveal variable decelerations.

What conditions may indicate a cesarean delivery?

The most common indications for primary cesarean delivery include, in order of frequency, labor dystocia, abnormal or indeterminate (formerly, nonreassuring) fetal heart rate tracing, fetal malpresentation, multiple gestation, and suspected fetal macrosomia.

How effective is amnioinfusion?

4 Amnioinfusion was effective in preventing or relieving fetal heart rate decelerations. The main clinical benefit was a large reduction in the number of cesarean sections performed for the indication of non-reassuring fetal heart rate tracing.

How often is amnioinfusion successful?

An amniotic fluid index of >8 cm before amnioinfusion has less than a 50% chance for success and leads to a high incidence of surgical vaginal deliveries.

What fluid is used for amnioinfusion?

Amnioinfusion is a procedure in which normal saline or lactated Ringer’s solution is infused into the uterine cavity to replace amniotic fluid.

Can you do amnioinfusion after rupture?

There is some evidence to show that restoring amniotic fluid volume with saline or a similar fluid (amnioinfusion) following preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM) may be beneficial for preterm babies (by preventing infection, lung damage and death) and mothers (by preventing infection of the womb after …

What are the 2 general indications of an amnioinfusion?

2 Indications 2.1 General indications of Amnioinfusion: An amnioinfusion is a technique of instilling an isotonic fluid, such as a normal saline or lactated ringer’s solution, into the amniotic cavity with the purpose of thinning out a thick meconium that has been found to pass into the amniotic fluid.

What are the signs of a transcervical amnioinfusion?

Severe variable decelerations and thick meconium fluid are the two main indications for transcervical amnioinfusion. Variable deceleration is the most common periodic pattern noted during labor. It represents a normal response to decreased umbilical blood flow.

Is there a retrospective study of amnioinfusion?

[Amnioinfusion: techniques, indications, and controlled retrospective study of 55 cases] Amnioinfusion is a relatively recent procedure introduced among fetal medicine techniques. Its applications focus on two different methods: transcervical and transabdominal.

Can a amnioinfusion reduce the risk of meconium aspiration?

Conclusions. For women in labor who have thick meconium staining of the amniotic fluid, amnioinfusion did not reduce the risk of moderate or severe meconium aspiration syndrome, perinatal death, or other major maternal or neonatal disorders. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid occurs in 7 to 22 percent of term deliveries,…

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